Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

‘Trash bucket challenge’ spreads across Ukraine as activists throw politicians into rubbish bins to ‘punish corruption’

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1028155, member: 168”]Do not sign a contract. Do not give your PPS. Refuse to pay-Do not be scared by their bully boy tactics.

This is what happens when you let the IMF in, everything becomes privitized and sold off. This private company is owned by a man that will not pay taxes in Ireland yet expects us to pay for a water charge that you already pay for through VAT. A water charge is fine and most people ar not disputing that, but only a mug would pay for something twice-

Essentially this is just another regressive bondholder tax. As it is we have let the bastards away with too much to date and it’s fucking time we stood up for ourselves as a people. Irish people talk a good game but essentially do nothing, bar the working class, who are then lambasted by the rest as louts and scumbags for what they wear or how they sound while they protest. This government have rowed back on everything they promised and the next shower will do the same until we finally show them that we will not stand for it. This is about more than a water charge really- We face into a few years of commemoration on the horizon, and every cunt will be out claiming how their great grandfather went out and bate ten brits single handedly with nothing but a hurl yet they will stick their head in the ground when it comes to them standing up for themselves and the future generations of this country.

I’ve had enough anyway- maybe some of you are just too old and the submissive attitude of your parents and grandparents is too strong in your psyche to relinquish it- but i’m gonna stand up. The only other alternative is to get out, which I may do yet, as there is no way I want to bring children up in a culture of cowardice.[/QUOTE]

If you’re half the man you pretended Mark Renton to be you’re not bringing up your kids anyway…

CEO is John Tierney. Former Dublin City Manager and Galway City Manager. Appears to be cut from the same cloth as Owen Keegan.

Tierney was Dublin City Manager when the Poolbeg Incinerator controversy rumbled on.

These guys seem to be people who think they know what’s best for the public and don’t believe in trying to engage or bring people along with them. Different skill set to be in local government to running a customer facing utility.

Mr. Tierney took up the position of Managing Director of Irish Water with effect from 29th April 2013, and was appointed to the Board of Irish Water in July 2013. John joined Irish Water from Dublin City Council where he was City Manager since September 2006. He was previously City Manager in Galway City and County Manager in Fingal. John holds a BA and an MA in Public Management from the Institute of Public Administration and a Doctorate in Governance from Queens University Belfast. John was appointed Chairman of the Dublin Docklands Development Authority in June 2012 and he is also on the Board of the National Sports Campus Development Authority. He is also the Vice-President of the Institute of Public Administration


IRISH Water engineers have been prevented from working in another city estate as Castletroy View residents protested.

After the state water utility firm began work to install a small number of water meters in Windsor Court, a small part of the estate on Friday, residents acted.

A public meeting was held on Sunday night, and a picket of around 20 residents was set up at the entrance to the estate from breakfast-time Monday.

The gardai were called to the scene, but were unsuccessful in breaking the picket.

Arrangements have also been made with neighbouring estates in Singland after Irish Water engineers attempted to begin installing meters there once they could not get into Castletroy View.

Harold Richardson, who chairs the Tidy Towns committee, said: “We did not want to roll over and let it go ahead, so we are just making a point that the majority of people in this area do not agree with charges.”

In particular, Harold said he was opposed to giving his PPS number to Irish Water.

“Why should I have to divulge that information to a service? We don’t have to do it for electricity or gas,” he asked.

Having installed meters at a handful of houses on Friday, an agreement was reached that contractors could at least fill in the holes they dug.

But Harold said any further work is out-of-bounds.

“We are not rolling over,” he confirmed.

Local councillor Paul Keller, of the Anti-Austerity Alliance, also lives in the estate.

“I am delighted to see everyone supporting the issue here. The AAA is in its infancy, but we are becoming known for the work we are doing. We are peaceful demonstrators. You can see the numbers are still here, although Irish Water has left the scene. It is not looking too good for Irish Water.”

Cllr Keller said the protestors are well aware of the flat charge which residents face if they don’t get meters fitted.

No-one is doing this blindly. Everyone is aware of the risks, and are well up for it,” he said, adding the focus will shift to non-payment when the first bills issue in January.

Irish Water did not respond to a request for a comment.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1028241, member: 168”]http://www.limerickleader.ie/news/business/business-news/irish-water-stopped-from-entering-limerick-estate-1-6341623

IRISH Water engineers have been prevented from working in another city estate as Castletroy View residents protested.

After the state water utility firm began work to install a small number of water meters in Windsor Court, a small part of the estate on Friday, residents acted.

A public meeting was held on Sunday night, and a picket of around 20 residents was set up at the entrance to the estate from breakfast-time Monday.

The gardai were called to the scene, but were unsuccessful in breaking the picket.

Arrangements have also been made with neighbouring estates in Singland after Irish Water engineers attempted to begin installing meters there once they could not get into Castletroy View.

Harold Richardson, who chairs the Tidy Towns committee, said: “We did not want to roll over and let it go ahead, so we are just making a point that the majority of people in this area do not agree with charges.”

In particular, Harold said he was opposed to giving his PPS number to Irish Water.

“Why should I have to divulge that information to a service? We don’t have to do it for electricity or gas,” he asked.

Having installed meters at a handful of houses on Friday, an agreement was reached that contractors could at least fill in the holes they dug.

But Harold said any further work is out-of-bounds.

“We are not rolling over,” he confirmed.

Local councillor Paul Keller, of the Anti-Austerity Alliance, also lives in the estate.

“I am delighted to see everyone supporting the issue here. The AAA is in its infancy, but we are becoming known for the work we are doing. We are peaceful demonstrators. You can see the numbers are still here, although Irish Water has left the scene. It is not looking too good for Irish Water.”

Cllr Keller said the protestors are well aware of the flat charge which residents face if they don’t get meters fitted.

No-one is doing this blindly. Everyone is aware of the risks, and are well up for it,” he said, adding the focus will shift to non-payment when the first bills issue in January.

Irish Water did not respond to a request for a comment.[/QUOTE]
Sow it into the cunts, Choco.

I wouldn’t mind paying for the water if it was drinkable, the tap water in Limerick is full of lead and fucking fluoride. I pay enough for bottled water and won’t be signing any forms especially when your PPS number is required.

Aboy the kid. Let’s fuck them right in the pussy.

Fucking Bondholders are getting enough of our money. USC should be regressive enough for the cunts!

To whom it may concern,
I recently received a communication from your company looking for certain information from me regarding my household i.e. requesting means of payment information from me and requesting me to sign a document stating that I the householder was in agreement with you billing me for water supplied.
Unfortunately I am not in a position to supply this information or sign this agreement.
I would like for you to understand why I am in the position not to do this.
Firstly the form you sent out is in effect a contract. By law a contract is a document whereby both parties are in agreement with the particulars laid down in the document and are aligned regarding the terms and conditions of the information contained within the document.
This is not the case with the document you sent to my house. This document is a contract biased against the householder in favor of Irish water.
This document does not in any way or form represent the views or concerns of the second party (me) who is being asked to sign.
There is no information within the document that pertains to what rate I the home owner will be charged. How this rate will be calculated. What allowances I will be given and what guarantees I will have in relation to supply or service.
As per the water services act 2013 Irish water will provide:
[2013.] Water services Act 2013 [No.6.] Pr.4 S.
(a) functions relating to the fixing of charges in respect of the
provision of such water services,
(b) the specification of minimum standards of service as
respects the provision of such water services,
© the protection of the interests of persons to whom water
services are provided;
Regarding section (a) as stated earlier there was no information contained in the document you sent to me stating what the rate for water usage would be yet you asked me for a means of payment i.e. looking for bank details for a direct debit! This would be the same as my purchasing a car and not agreeing the monthly payment but rather giving my bank details and giving the creditor Cart Blanche to take whatever he wanted out of my account.
You have also asked for the PPS numbers of all people resident within my household. Why you need this information is beyond me as if this was a fact finding document the information could easily be given.
Also according to the dept. Of Social Protection:
2.1.1 Who can use the PPS Number?
The PPS No. replaced the Revenue and Social Insurance Number (RSI No.) that was only used in relation to transactions with Revenue and the Department of Social Protection. The PPS Number can be used by:
Any organisation listed in legislation, e.g. a Government Department or Health Service Executive.
Any person or body authorised by a public body to do so.
Any person who has a transaction with a public body
2.1.2 Who cannot use the PPS Number?
Private companies or bodies, other than in transactions with public bodies
Any person or body not authorised under legislation to do so.
As Irish Water is a private company you are not entitled to this information and I could find no evidence within the Water services Act 2013 to state otherwise. So why are you looking for it?
Regarding section (b) this related to your guarantee relating to the type of service I can expect from your company in respect to water supplied to my dwelling. There is no detail covering this item provided in the documentation sent to me.
And finally section © the protection of the interests of the persons to who water service is provided, I am assuming this covers a broad spectrum including health and safety i.e. the purity and condition of the water you are supplying. None of my concerns have been addressed here i.e. the amount or fluoride that is added to the water being supplied which is well in excess of European counterparts and has been proven to cause a degree of docility within people which this present government would be happy to allow to continue.
If there is an issue with water supplied that negates people from drinking it without first boiling will they still have to pay?
So far you have failed to meet any of the expectations set out for you in the Water services act 2013 and you have sought information from people you are not entitled to.
There are also a few other issues I have in relation to this unfair charge that both this government and Irish water are trying to impose on me.
You say that there is a cost in supplying water to the people of this country yet Irish Water in their wisdom or arrogance decided to spend in excess of €150 million on a system for Irish Water that was already in place i.e. clone the system used by Bord Gais.
Had this €150 million been invested in repairing the infrastructure that is currently allowing 40%+ of water leak to ground you could have cut the cost of producing water by up to 33% but instead it was used to appease wealthy cronies.
There is also the case of the multimillion Euro gym Irish Water has built for its workers. Would it not have been cheaper to simply pay the fee to a local gym as a BIK to the employee? Is it now the case that the cost of this luxury will be passed onto the customer?
Will it not also be the case as it is with Bord Gais and the ESB or Electric Ireland that all workers will have the luxury of paying less for the service their house receives through either lower payments or increased allowances?
Do I the customer feel that the revenues collected by Irish Water will be used for their true purpose i.e. providing a robust water delivery system with no leaks?
Clean pure water (less fluoride on par with Europe), improved reservoirs and an assurance that my service will not suffer?
The answer to these questions is no. These revenues will be used to bay huge bonuses, cover lavish expenses and covering the cost of subsidizing the Irish Water employees and the political masters who put this company in place.
As usual it is the ordinary person of the state that will suffer through increased costs and diminished service.
If you wish for me to sign any form of agreement or contract relating to the supply of water to my house then I wish it to be a contract drawn up between me and Irish Water detailing the expectations from Irish Water as a service supplier, incorporating my concerns as a customer and Irish Water’s agreement that my concerns will be resolved prior to any payment.
Yours Sincerely
The householder

Looking at the videos being posted all over facebook looks like things could get a bit nasty on Saturday. All it will take is one member of Gardai to do something stupid and it will all kick off.

Are the folks that are installing water meters on danger money?

Hello, Irish, eh…Roads
-Who is this?
-Irish Roads
-Why have I got a contract from you?
-Cause we own roads
-You own roads? How does a private company own the roads?
-We bagised it. No take backs. Now, give me your PPS number.
-So I can give you an allowance to drive on our roads
-What do you mean, ‘your roads.’ Didn’t the taxes of the people of Ireland pay for those roads?
-Ya, but we own them now
-Says who?
-The government
-How much did you pay for them?
-So the people paid for the building, development, ongoing upkeep and maintenance up till now – and then you just took over?
-Yes, and if you don’t pay there’ll be consequences
-What? But I already pay my road tax. Why do I have to pay again?
-Well this isn’t a tax.
-What is it then?
-Oh, and we installed a little thing on your car to tell us how much road you use.
-You did what?
-Ya. Now we can charge you by how many miles you use
-But I already pay through my taxes. Who are you people?
-How many people use your car?
-Fuck off.
-If you don’t give us all their PPS numbers…
-What will happen? Hah? What?


-We need your PPS numbers.
-Cause you can’t expect road for free
-Who do you think has paid for it up till now, you dummy? What’s free about it? Nothing. Nothing is free. Stop saying it’s free like you’re doing me a favour by charging me again for the same shit standard as before.
-I hear you. Now, what’s your PPS number?

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1028412, member: 168”]Hello, Irish, eh…Roads
-Who is this?
-Irish Roads
-Why have I got a contract from you?
-Cause we own roads
-You own roads? How does a private company own the roads?
-We bagised it. No take backs. Now, give me your PPS number.
-So I can give you an allowance to drive on our roads
-What do you mean, ‘your roads.’ Didn’t the taxes of the people of Ireland pay for those roads?
-Ya, but we own them now
-Says who?
-The government
-How much did you pay for them?
-So the people paid for the building, development, ongoing upkeep and maintenance up till now – and then you just took over?
-Yes, and if you don’t pay there’ll be consequences
-What? But I already pay my road tax. Why do I have to pay again?
-Well this isn’t a tax.
-What is it then?
-Oh, and we installed a little thing on your car to tell us how much road you use.
-You did what?
-Ya. Now we can charge you by how many miles you use
-But I already pay through my taxes. Who are you people?
-How many people use your car?
-Fuck off.
-If you don’t give us all their PPS numbers…
-What will happen? Hah? What?


-We need your PPS numbers.
-Cause you can’t expect road for free
-Who do you think has paid for it up till now, you dummy? What’s free about it? Nothing. Nothing is free. Stop saying it’s free like you’re doing me a favour by charging me again for the same shit standard as before.
-I hear you. Now, what’s your PPS number?[/QUOTE]

Ironic thing is that most people who will protest are net recipients of money from the Government/the State/other tax payers

They get free healthcare, free crèche places, free housing, phone allowances, transport allowances, child benefit, child allowance and they will get a water allowance

Everybody else subsidises them and it is still not enough.

I think Irish Water was a waste - a flat charge rolled into property tax would have been more efficient and charging people re cost of use of water is nonsense given residential use of water is a fraction of overall use/leaks but I equally object to people who want everything free when of course nothing is free but free to them means somebody else is paying for it

A load of fuss about nothing. The economy is booming again. No one will give a shit about this water charge craic in 12 months time.

Right fuck this @ChocolateMice[/USER] and [USER=80]@The Selfish Giant have won me over. I will not be paying these cunts and they will not be getting my PPS number.

Up the ra.

People will leave taps running when guests are over in an ostentatious display of decadence

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1028416, member: 2272”]Ironic thing is that most people who will protest are net recipients of money from the Government/the State/other tax payers

They get free healthcare, free crèche places, free housing, phone allowances, transport allowances, child benefit, child allowance and they will get a water allowance

Everybody else subsidises them and it is still not enough.

I think Irish Water was a waste - a flat charge rolled into property tax would have been more efficient and charging people re cost of use of water is nonsense given residential use of water is a fraction of overall use/leaks but I equally object to people who want everything free when of course nothing is free but free to them means somebody else is paying for it[/QUOTE]

Maybe they are getting all these freebies because they have the gumption to stand up and protest for them?

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1028416, member: 2272”]Ironic thing is that most people who will protest are net recipients of money from the Government/the State/other tax payers

They get free healthcare, free crèche places, free housing, phone allowances, transport allowances, child benefit, child allowance and they will get a water allowance

Everybody else subsidises them and it is still not enough.

I think Irish Water was a waste - a flat charge rolled into property tax would have been more efficient and charging people re cost of use of water is nonsense given residential use of water is a fraction of overall use/leaks but I equally object to people who want everything free when of course nothing is free but free to them means somebody else is paying for it[/QUOTE]

free creches? where & who gets them?


How do I go about getting a free creche place? May need this info for future reference.

Sounds like the 'Joy for toddlers.