Wedding Etiquette

That Cork wedding sound like some pile of fucking shit. I bet there was a vol au vont served at the cunt of a thing.

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Cunts wouldn’t know how to have a good time. I doubt they even tied their ties around their heads

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I was only in the hotel shared breakfast area the following morning so I can’t comment on either wedding, just the decorum of the guests the following morning.

Can you answer the question i’ve asked you please?

You should have stood your ground and gone to Wexford.


You didn’t ask me any question, you asked a question of the forum, for which I have not claimed to answer. I merely commented on the cuntishness of your post. [quote=“Julio_Geordio, post:1424, topic:16951, full:true”]

Cunts wouldn’t know how to have a good time. I doubt they even tied their ties around their heads

Bet there wasn’t even a singsong at the end of it. Utter wanks. Townie cunts.

I nearly boxed the head off my one I was so upset looking at the way these mud-hut dwellers carried themselves. I said it to her that we should have gone to Wexford … However, we had bumped into her cousin in TK Max (the first visit on Saturday) and she gave us use of their expensive flashy bikes and their yearly pass for Muckross house and farm which I really enjoyed and I was reminded of that and that quietened me somebit. My stomach is turing now just thinking of those bogger cunts.

I did ask you after the initial open question to the forum.

Next time you want to ask me a question, you ask me specifically you little cur.

They unintentionally mugged you off

They most certainly did. It doesn’t help that Kerry people talk through their teeth either…

Complaining about Kerry boggers but totally enjoyed a free pass around Muckross House & FARM.

You couldn’t make this stuff up.

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Should I have turned it down so? It was the biking that I was more impressed with, mate.

Should the poor boggers have waited until you were gone to TK Maxx’s to have their breakfast?

No. They should have behaved like human beings and be mindful of their surroundings. Horrible, grotesque neanderthals…

I’m not sure what @carryharry is failing to grasp here, mate. Apologies for the inconvenience he’s causing you.

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Here we go.
Our latest wedding present, got for my great pal who has done the boat for the Galway bay swim with me these past two years. He got married three weeks ago, so we got our favourite to make him a boat, spoiled somewhat by the sculptors oul lad saying “sure it looks like a dead fucking horse”
Actually, in the flesh, it’s beautiful.


What’s that yoke on the window sill?

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You are a good egg, pal.

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A wedding present that flatty received