Welcome to Limerick


Please refer to point 6 on my stupid money related things list and stop filling thefreekick with this propaganda crap from Bord Failte!

Did you even watch this? It was discussed on Matt Cooper earlier

Yes I did watch it, and I heard the bloody thing on a Dublin Talkshow about 5 or 6 years ago aswell, I was just trying to bring a bit of sarcasm to the board and you’ve successfully fooking ruined it, well done!!

Limerick, you’re a lady
Your Shannon water’s tears of joy have flown
The beauty that surrounds you
I take it with me love where e’er I go
While waking in the arms of distant waters
A new day finds me far away from home
Then Limerick you’re a lady
The one true love that I have ever known


Sad are the homes round garryowen


I am a young fellow that’s azy and bold.

One evening of late as I happened to stray

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Was on a dreary New Year’s Eve…

Come all ye young rebels and list while I sing…

There is an isle…

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Pump, pump the jam, pump it up

Abbeyfeale, Abbeyfeale
Abbeyfeale, Abbeyfeale
Abbeyfeale, Knocknagoshel and Duagh

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The cold winds from the mountain are calling soft to me

The smell of scented heather brings bitter memories

A Limerick man of little earnings.

A wild and lonely eagle up in the summer sky,
Flies high o’er Shanagolden, where my love Willie lies.

You got me in the feels there bud. My late Grandmother used sing that after a few halfs


That second stanza doesn’t rhyme.

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Fucking hell, twee overload cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Now now. Behave

Gemma O’Doherty’s crowd were in Limerick yesterday…No to 5G. No to social distancing. This is not the new norm…across the road from them there was a novena being said.