What Climate Crisis?



Oceans - over 3 billion years old

Records begin - 65 years ago



The researchers also analysed salinity, which along with temperature determines water density and is a vital driver of ocean circulation. An index of the variability in salinity across the oceans reached a record high in 2022, showing continued amplification of the global hydrological cycle.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy claimed recently that the opposite of this was happening :joy:


yes, im always rabbiting on about the global hydrological cycle

Hundreds of Tralee homes at risk from flooding - Independent.ie

@MountLeinster @TreatyStones @nogra @EmilioButragueno

They weren’t at risk from flooding thirty years ago, then again they weren’t there thirty years ago

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Less cycle lanes and more drainage is the solution here.

Clean away the plant debris would work wonders as well.

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The old CFRAMS study. I haven’t heard that one in a while.
If you look at what’s natural and unnatural in an area you can plainly see that these flood risks are man made locally in the engineering and planning of developments in areas unsuitable for building.
There is a turlough near me that has not reached its annual peak yet despite the current weather we are having. It is a natural annual indicator of our rainfall. Go into towns locally where housing and developments are in what were swamps and flood plains and you see the man made fuck up of ‘climate change’.
All of this engineering in the past probably factored in the sensible maintenance of rivers as a drainage system. However this is scuppered by absolutely no maintenance of the rivers at all. No dredging or cleaning is rigorously enforced by different bodies. Therefore there’s no where for the water to go.


Don’t build in flood plains is the lesson here

Did those folks in Roscommon ever get their flooding cleared because some cunt on the east coast was objecting ?

dont let centrist politicians rezone lands in flood plains


rural oireland does everything to stop enlightened urbanites fight climate change yet expect their houses to be protected from the ravages of climate change

good one mate

You haven’t read my post or the article properly if that is your response. But carry on with the point scoring attempts. Mate.

No. People have abandoned their homes.

just having a pop mate,

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Feck. That “enlightened “ cunt needs to be re-educated, preferably with an ash plant.

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Grotesquely insensitive to the bastards amongst us.

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