What Climate Crisis?

John Gibbons wants to kill family pets.

you want to ruin your kids future

I read most of that but then gave up.
Why is he fearful for forests?

I did same and I took it that it’s the dormouse they are fearful of…

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Surprised this gimp can even walk with the massive chip on his shoulders


No named storm in Ireland this autumn/winter despite @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy apocalyptic predictions last year.

yes mate, there is no such thing as climate change

& the earth is flat

& 15 minute cities are an attack on your freedom

you ireland’s full guys -jeeeeezzzzzzzz

The climate has been changing for millions of years mate. Not just since you read a twitter post on it.


Imagine he’d Internet access during the ice age


How did the ice melt?

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Im not on twitter mate

we’re still in an ice age, just in an interglacial period… we’re due a glacial period

there’s going to be a time in the future where there’ll be prayers for Global Warming


But @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has analyzed the records they’ve been keeping since the 1950s

the earth was at its hottest 50 million years ago by all known scientific estimates, there were no polar caps. Variations in the orbit cause these massive shifts in temperature. Alarmists have been fixated on climate since it became addictive to be alarmed after the world wars ended.

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no, i dont do my own research mate, i trust the scientists

‘The’ scientists. Is this some sort of an organisation or something?


I find it very intriguing how there’s a serious crossover between those who believe Russia’s war on Ukraine was something longed for and dreamt up by the “military-industrial complex” and NATO, and those whose idea of “science” amounts to obvious paid stooges for fossil fuel companies and grifters out for clicks and $$$$$.