What Climate Crisis?

Ulster says no to sodium

Is it easy replace a battery in an EV.
Google is giving me nothing much @carryharry.

I periodically say Na to sodium.


Look up Neo; a Chinese EV company who are looking to have swappable batteries and you can put in different battery sizes dependent on the range required.

Depends on the design mate.
I think it’s safe enough to say that our kids will recoil in horror at the thought of standing out in the cold holding the handle on a bilge pump of toxic explosive liquid shortly after the person before you had done the same having shortly before that wiped their hole and not washed their hands, so you can continue your journey.

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Pints of Guinness in a beer garden in March ?


Lord Didsbury is appalled at the thoughts of having to pump his own fuel. He probably sits in the forecourt honking his horn until an attendant fills it for him.


Tells his driver to honk his horn.


Is that what they’re calling it these days…

Makes sense, but will everybody do that?

Who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?

I was just wondering if people who had cars with crappy batteries could replace them for the new type Fagan posted about. What’s the life of an EV, about 10 years? People probably wouldn’t bother their hole.
ie, it wouldn’t be economically viable.

You still have to insert your card. God knows where the previous card that was inserted, was inserted, if you get my meaning.

What’s the depreciation like on EVs ? Is it more than equivalent ICEVs?

Card you say?

Isn’t @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy always blowing about how good China are at reducing their emissions :smile:

No room for facts or actual science in the climate craze.

The aim is to have very few farmers by then hence very few credits required


Farmers that cant make enough money from sheep farming and want bail outs will be no loss

The carbon offsetting spoofers are fairly called out below :smile:

Do as I say but not as I do…Brand is on the ball.


There’s more to be rid of in this country of ours than a few people going about their everyday lawful business my fwiend. But we all have our own priorities.

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