What Climate Crisis?

I dunno lads. Collie doesn’t seem like a lad who’d be guessing these things.

There’s a local machinery hire business who got started on the glen of the downs frog scare of whenever. A contract for diggers, pickups, bulldozers etc. The eco warriors got involved, years of legal battles, lawyers, consultants, botanists, naturists(?), gynaecologists etc. Finally a frog relocation plan was hatched: special digger buckets and trailers designed and built. A relocation site was identified, all the protagonists lined up, photos taken, victory declared, then everyone fucked off home smiling, whereupon frogs were fucked over the nearest hedge.
And all the machinery hire was paid for, and it being hired out elsewhere


Yes, we need a mixture of fast growing spruce and native trees to save the planet

Yet another failure by the crusties. We can’t allow public policy to be dictated by these clowns and whatever is flavour of the month for them.

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Which policy? Coilte and FGs policy?

All time?

why do you hate your kids mate?

It’s like the lads on here who want to still be able to fly to Australia

yes, anyone that takes a non essential flight these days is scum

Well hello :sunglasses::sunglasses:

“it wont affect Oireland”

Irish Examiner on Twitter: “A senior council engineer says they need an immediate 30% increase in government funding just to keep pace with the damage caused by increased rainfall and this figure will probably have to rise to at least 50% as the impacts of climate change worsen https://t.co/eb3rtVK49N” / Twitter

happy grumpy cat GIF

Air travel shouldn’t be subsidised by governments & is far too cheap.


Green clown Jannet Horner on newstalk talking about the evils of SUVs, even though she admits that she knows nothing about cars. Making a show of herself.

SUVs ‘eight times more dangerous’ to kids walking or cycling than smaller cars are | road.cc

Blind zones in front of SUVs and trucks can lead to deadly crashes. The victims are often children, experts say - CBS News

We need to go back to teaching the safe cross code.

SUVs Kill Kids Way More Than Other Cars, Study Shows (fatherly.com)