What Climate Crisis?

The paper is here and all.

Mocking Spongebob Squarepants GIF

Great to see science catching up with @glenshane.


Not the first time you have been vindicated either

James Melville?

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Where did he get his doctorate, he can’t even read? :man_shrugging:


She didnt say that mate

Can you read?

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Cringe for @Heyyoubehindthebushes

4000 likes for the initial post, 27 for the correction

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Well said Paul

Priceless from the idiot that cant tell the difference between male and female


Irish farmers will be taking no lectures from champagne socialists like Murphy. What a service we could do for this country if we could somehow arrange to send himself and Roderic O’Gorman on a one way ticket to Mars.


Paul Murphys milk
homer simpson GIF

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It was nice being e pals mate. We tried

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What a woman. She would be a great catch for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

In other news, the New York governor is proposing the wearing of masks, indoor and outdoor, for two weeks, until to smoke dissipates.

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What lecture did he give to irish farmers mate

I suppose he’s a fecking vegan as well, the smelly tool.

Man who bathes in slurry calls someone smelly shock

It’s time to cull ye useless cunts for the sake of humanity


whats that useless tool going to do a for a living when he gets turfed out at the next election?