What Climate Crisis?

Massive relief all round I’d say.

Will they have a geothermal underpant/jockey/boxer product?

Newcastlewest was washed away in a flood in August 2008

Fuck you @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


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If Eddie Hobbs is wrong about this, then what hope do we have at all?

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I love seeing @Ambrose_McNulty with a bee in his bonnet over something. There’s no stopping him


The complete nonsense of it all. Of course the usual suspects fall for it hook, line and tinker


Look. We’ve had wetter summers or hotter summers or sunnier summers or colder summers. We must cull 200000 cows to steady the ship

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Why not just kill them and eat them and not replace them

Then what? Stare at the sky and wait for sun, rain or something else?
What exactly do you expect to happen?

Farmers to diversify

For the right grant we’ll dance the can can

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All this stuff is very serious bidness.


The headbangers think sacrificing cows or more taxes will change the weather. Not much you can do with these people except ridicule them


Maybe getting vaccinated will help too

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how redder can they get these graphics to scare people?

I like how the possibility of future techs and generative technology has now become an excuse to refuse to make practical moves to helping reduce climate change now.

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Rome hits 41.8C temperature record as Covid-style protocols rolled out for heatwave

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It’s freezing here