What Climate Crisis?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy would rather cut down the Amazon than let cows eat grass in Ireland.

His hatred of Muldoons will destroy the planet.

cut down the amazon, to grow food to feed cows to make protein shakes for persia - great model

thankfully, they are reducing the destruction of the amazon, hopefully oirish farmers start doing the same to our bogs

Morto for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy. He can’t stop buying real meat.

“In the second quarter of this year, the US company managed to make a loss of $53.5m (€48.8m) on revenues of $102.1m (€93.2m).”

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Is 50m comically bad?

Arent sheep farmers losing money? Is that comically funny?

50 million loss when their revenue is 102 million is comically and probably terminally bad. Cabbage heads wouldn’t be great at the numbers above 1.5 or 2 but a good few of ye will lose with this investment.

Worst results since records began


Worst year for plant based fake meat since the Big Bang


The FFG voters the issue again

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That written by the paper of records favourite columnist is it??

You couldnt work out it was written by Fintan O’Toole?


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Deary me, these EV batteries are exploding all over the place. Not safe at all.

My diesel car never explodes :woman_shrugging:t2:

some other tweets from Bernie - why is @Ambrose_McNulty following a conspiracy theorist who spends most of their time posting about WEF/WHO





She’s a fine looking woman too.

Bernie keeps saying " Question everything !"

start with that image bro

Are you questioning the fact that an EV burned down a rallycross tent and a load of other cars? Facts are facts mate.
