What Climate Crisis?

That’s the only logical step next for him.

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Hence they fall down/go up like kindling. There’s yer answer. Yer welcome

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A lot of “ Dry Lightning “ was a common term being used for source of the fires.

The media. :roll_eyes:

Dry Lightening, usually found in the same shops as Sky Hooks and left handed tooth brushes.

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The most common causes appear to be started by people. I suspect flicking the butt of a fah out the window. Smokers are murdering people

There’s a problem too with poor management in the guise of rewilding and letting nature be. The maintenance of fire breaks and drainage is non existent. Environmentalists!

Which recent events are due to rewilding mate

Fires in nature are a good thing for the local environment clearing the ground for new plants to grow, killimg parasites and ticks. The big problem is humans are living too close to where this occurs and wants to stop it.

Be grand

I wouldn’t say ‘due’ directly. But no maintenance of firebreaks do not help. The purpose of them is in the name - fire - break.

I didn’t see the rubber nails.
But they had a long stand alright…

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The accounts that Jamie follows are almost a whos who of the awkward squad.


Right, so even though the President of the Canary Islands has stated that these fires have been started deliberately. It is still far right propaganda? Is there a full moon this week? The loonatic left are questioning real-life occurances that are being reported correctly.

Mad people. Stone mad.

No there have always been arsonists.

This bit is the loopy conspiracy theory bit.

“Media reports linking all these fires to a Climate Emergency also increases incentive for eco activists to start them.“


The reason the fires are so bad is because it’s was drier and hotter than normal.

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That too.

Awkward squad member that denies science wants people to deal in facts

You are a lost cause boys. Unbelievable committment to be this myopic.

The ‘dry lightening’ had a huge game in the second half too…

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