What Climate Crisis?

Thanks mate so good to know my advocacy is hitting home

Now the Panama Canal is running dry.


They should try melt an iceberg or 2


Wouldn’t be easy get it up there though?


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They built it didn’t they!

posted without comment

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The Comms team must have got the memo about the food advocacy

the tweet that went viral?

Disgusting tweet targetting people with thumb hypoplasia

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Trust the science!

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I decided today not to drive to Bray but to cycle to the dart, then cycle on to my destination after a leisurely journey. I got lots of work done and rattled a few cages, and caused zero emissions. I’ll go do some more work now then possibly buy a few cans for the train back so i can give the muldoons some thing to complain about on the anti dublin video thread. A great day.


Pissing rain in Bray lads. Shit idea…

Modesty is his forté I see

He predicted worse weather, and better weather, and worse weather…with foresight like that I’d say all his online accounts are severely limited

Big pharma science bad, big oil science ok.

It was released by the group Global Climate Intelligence, which was founded by former geophysics professor and Shell engineer Guus Berkhout.

Signatories include Ukip peer the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, a number of scientists with past and current links to the fossil fuel industry, including a former vice president of operations for BP based in Aberdeen.

One signatory, Wolf Doleys, from Germany is listed as being a retired teacher who also writes poetry, novels and essays.

Another is Alexandre Krivitzky, from France, who is a psychoanalyst and appears to have no scientific background.

Dr Cook said: “It’s quite a lazy declaration. It doesn’t really have any supporting information. I would regard these views as fringe.”

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Gates would be cancelled for this but hes apparently one of the good guys.

Handy for getting to Epstein’s island I suppose.

I’d say it did him fuck all good