What Climate Crisis?

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Caught the segment on this on the 9 o clock news. Harrowing scenes. Looks like whole districts of the city have been simply washed away.

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Be grand bob

“clear warnings” says bob, as if he’s seen them before.

The world is fucked. There’s no saving it at this stage, so we may as well enjoy the last few years.

That’s how I’m able to justify my trips abroad

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We need to get the planet hopping show on the road.

The world changed its way very quickly when Covid first broke.

Wonder what sort of climate related disaster will have to happen for people to take it seriously

Im going with fire, famine, flood or pestilence…the modern climate related versions, not the good ol biblical kinds

A few thousand real people (i.e. white westerners) will need to die in some fire or flood. People dying in africia won’t matter.

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I’ve seen more footage of the flooding in Cappamore than that in Libya.

The Netherlands being wiped off the map due to rising sea levels would be a good start.

Your kids will hate you even more if you dont set an example

Relax bro, be grand

Someone tell the banks, who are still offering mortgages up past then

Wexford folk need to be put back on horse-and-carts. Disgraceful fuel inefficiency on show here from all concerned.
Not to mention the shocking use of tenses.