What Climate Crisis?

Every time there’s a normal day, the Neanderthals will just claim it’s proof that rapid climate change isn’t happening.

What is it about these inter glacial warming periods and temperatures rising. Why god why?

People want an ice age and they want it now

Making sacrifices to influence the weather is just part of the human condition. The necessity has always been patently obvious

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They already have one. We are in an ice age. Earth normally doesn’t have any ice on it.

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That’s gas.

Time. Fuck me.

Eternity. It’s a long fucking time. Before us and after us.

Infinity. 1/0.


Savage long altogether.

Tis hard wrap your head around it.

As ricky gervais says…there were billions of years before i came aling and it was fine…

We’ve created a quare set up altogether.

All controlled by little electronic digits on a screen that are backed by nothing.

I think it’s mad.

Monetising fear is an ancient trick…Monetising lads complaining about the weather is a new twist. Fair play to the globalists

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The midwits think they can control and change the climate by turning a knob labelled carbon dioxide :grinning:

What do the dimwits think?


They generally outsource that to Eamon Ryan and the hive mind

Mad that the ‘dimwits’ in this post appear to be the non deniers :rofl::rofl:

As long as gullible eejits like you exist it’ll always be around.

Vuuuuurrrryy cold in America.

Good for the average.


Poor Eamonn, he’ll have to take his bike back to China to spread his gospel.



We are one of the worst in Europe in terms of emmissons mate, why point the finger at others?

Why be beating ourselves up mate. Will ole Ireland exist courtesy of St
Eamonn while the rest of the world burns around us? We should be forever grateful I know