What Climate Crisis?

Yes, i understand mate, 1/5th of our energy goes on these already.

We need more energy

Fixed that for you

Uh oh

I’d assume this paragraph is pretty positive news?

In January, gas-fired power stations provided the largest share of Great Britain’s electricity supply, at 35.7%, ahead of wind power at 33.5%, National Grid said this week. “

The rest must be Nuclear?

The Estuary was flooded there in Malahide. I could barely make it to the recycling center. Exceptionally high tides forecast for this weekend.

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Europe is going to get very very cold.

You might think sbout giving up steaks?

Will you stop atin avacodos?

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I’m going for steak tonight mate, apologies

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Its not too late to change your order

I’ll have an extra spoon of veg to offset the fillet

The guardian is basically a comic at this stage…does it even have a decent sports section?


Good thing i got a 4WD to get around in the snow

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Good episode. Look up the year without summer. Think its 1815/16. Snow on the ground in May all across Europe, Asia and US.

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Something like that will have to happen locally for people to take it seriously.

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Are you attributing the summer of 1815 to man made climate change?