What Climate Crisis?

Another zinger to add to your list :grinning:

The fact that you imagine I keep “a list” shows how deep into the rabbit hole of paranoia self-pity and general weirdness you’ve sunk

Sid-BOT regularly used the uneducated term of “Global Warming”.

We educated the Sid-BOT to use the correct term which is “Climate Change”.


I just called you a fascist to save the other lad having to do it.
Nice post but I’m too worried about acid rain to concern myself with the environment

No offense taken tbh.
I enjoy the banter here and there are some serious hitters on board, but climate change has become the new religion for many across the globe. There is a serious danger at this time that those who challenge any of the many climate pronouncements/predictions are being silenced or denounced as ‘deniers’, liars, frauds and worse.

Now if that’s not fascism I don’t know what is.


Climate cranks in the public eye are correctly called out as being in the pocket of big business which depends on denying the threat, which they pretty much all are

Not remotely fascism

Why can’t climate cranks debate without calling ordinary people fascists

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Welcome to our community @onthebench. Let us endeavour to never exchange words again.

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Spoken like a true nazi

I’ve never really bought into the ‘big business’ thing. True, some are in the pocket of those who stand to lose most from climate change measures. But you can also say that for those who buy in to the whole deal too. Climate scientists get most of their funding from state governments via university research grants. Most governments are supporting mitigation measures to varying degrees, so if you are ‘anti’ climate change you don’t get funded. That’s the way it’s going


Not really

People are free to believe Myron Ebell etc. but then they’re also free to believe the earth is flat

I admire Greta for what she’d trying to achieve here. Unfortunately she is currently being knock left right and centre for her efforts.

The yacht is currently near New York.
The crew will be flying back home.
A separate crew are flying over to pick up the yacht.
Greta herself has yet to say how she’s returning home.

It’s hard to know the right and wrong of all this. As a publicity stunt it worked.

@backinatracksuit will be #inspired by all of this tomfoolery.

It really isn’t

Of course it’s for publicity - that’s exactly the point

By publicising the subject in such a manner public opinion is being influenced

By influencing public opinion you can help to influence policy

Policy is the only way anything can get done

The criticisms of Greta are so predictable, so cliched, so poorly thought out and so laughable in their pathetic nature that they only show up those people for having zero ideas and being deeply dislikable people with nothing to offer humanity

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She looks tired.

Tired of people abusing her and wishing her death.


Poor divil. An awful burden she’s put upon herself.

She’s an inspiration is that Greta one, it’s great that the people of today, particularly the youth, have someone to focus on and look up to. I wish her the very best in, eh, whatever it is her agenda is.


What do you mean you don’t know. She’s been saying for the last two years that we have precisely twelve years to save the planet.
By now she really should be changing her informed assessment to ten years, but her parents took her out of school so we shouldn’t expect too much.
Still, who’s going to notice…

It always comes back to wanting to kill people with right wing loons, doesn’t it