What Is The Best + 🐐 Chocolate Bar In The World?

It’s not that either, have a read of this, fascinating stuff:

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I’m having a right cut at the €2 large Galaxy bars (Tesco)these days. Very addictive. The small bars ain’t worth a fuck.

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“Share” size, they says.

I’d say you an awful size?


I’d say you an awful gobdaw

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Christ Mike, you won’t go in the door of Maggie Mays if you keep that up.

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I need to maintain a big hammer to drive the big nail.

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A delight



They are top notch.

The almond one is off the chain

Unbelievable stuff. Dark chocolate without the harsh bitterness and so smooth too.

That’s awful shite. It’s the sort of margarine loaded glar that used to be sold as cooking chocolate.
May God forgive you.

I have it in my fridge and have some every evening with my cuppa tae…


Club Milk or Purple Snack?

New size! Bigger, yeah?

You have terrific self-control.

Purple Snack

Club milk

Aren’t they the same?

Purple snack, all day long