Taken the idea for my avatar. A kind of whats bothering you at the moment kind of thread. Mine would be getting shafted by not getting a ticket for the Dublin match today. The guy my dad and I would get tickets off gets 4 usually but only got 2. Damm anyways.
People with umbrellas walking slowly and blocking you from scurrying by them even though it’s pissing rain and they’re dry and you’re soaking.
Shi’it weather in the summer.
Sounding like an auld wan by always giving out about the shi’it weather.
Getting soaked going to work.
Getting soaked going to lunch.
Getting soaked coming back from lunch.
Getting soaked going home.
Bohemians being a shorter price to win the Eircom League than Rovers despite being 4 points behind.
Mentors carrying hurls in their hands on a sideline. Cunts. Utter cunts. You couldn’t use it when you were playing, put the fucking thing down you simpleton bastard.
Grown men in January at the weekends out and about wearing shorts. And not out jogging or exercising, in playgrounds with their kid(s). Fuck sakes, put on some God damn pants!
Anyone… So here’s this guy with tickets apparently stuck to him and you just peel them off him as distinct from receiving them from him with a monetary compensation.
Pedantic I know but it’s wrong. “Can I have a sweet… You can but you may not” stuff…
Same lads are probably wearing wooly hats.