🤷‍♂️ What the fuck is wrong with people?

“52 kilo of absolute evil”

He must only be a slip of a thing, or else there are parts of him that aren’t absolute evil

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This isn’t a first is it @artfoley?

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As long as no rugby careers are in jeopardy

I wouldn’t know about tier 2 schools like wilsons, maybe the query would be better directed at @balbec

they certainly ouldnt be at wilsons :smiley:

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Read about him the other day, what a despicable twisted cunt.

Someone had serious mother issues…

Ah Jesus Christ

Sure didn’t he vote for abortion, it’s the same in my eyes.

What the fuck are people like

No, I repealed the 8th amendment…

The planet is fucked

The Internet should be banned.

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it creates more problems than it solves, it creating sick bastards all over the world


They are sick already, it’s just giving them air.
There needs to be some kind of monitoring, no normal person watches that shite.

Libertarian capitalism in action right there

@anon7035031 will be delighted

Fucking hell.

All kinds of fucked up— Social media needs to be destroyed.