Whatever became of Ben Shermin

Were there just too many muldoons on the board for his liking?

Ben too one night bus too many.

You could nearly sense lads like TLW and WITJ dripping with fear when Ben was online.
Sledge is another who’s not around nearly enough these days.

The Minister.


Potentially the best username on here.

Ben was very much an alright sort

i miss cyril i wonder will he ever come back

Where did Dan Carter go??

NCC is missed

Any chance we could get rid of one of the non entities around here like MBB/WYT’s/James Dunphy/shan and bring back The Minister

purge the following
gola & padjo - complete and utter fucktards-add nothing to this forum-real needy fuckers- why does gola have to overanalyse everything & what exactly is padjos role on here- purge the cunts
WTB-Boring & pompous
TRE- he has been here a while now-each way he is progressively more irritating
WYT/Mirrorman?james dunphy/Whiplash- i assume they are the same poster- inane & irrelevant
piles/kinvara/mick jones/turenne-a bunch of hapless retards who wear their greatest handicap(their ruralness) as a badge of honour-cunts
CLG- too many shitty posts about rural sports- we shall give her an ultimatum- tits out or sayanora
Fooley & mac- the self proclaimed “terrible twins of the forum” -FOAD

NCC, me old mate, sort this cunt out please. I’ve sent you instructions by PM as I usually do.

Good list, but you forgot that drug addled shoneen armchair republican cunt NCC. Although I hear he has been scared off by the TFK’s landed gentry set…? :huh:

Also, Kafka, and any other council estate degenerates obssessed with the GAA that I may have missed.

Great new site that’s worth a look - link


Shan is a respected poster around here and part of the inner clique.

Explore Jules Carrozza

shan is a fucktard of epic proportions…

I dont post enough to be annoying boring cunt like yourself. Just pay out on my rugby bet please that I put on in good faith.


I didn’t start this thread to be an anti-padjo thread, that was inevitable to happen. But can anyone answer my initial question? Flano?

:lol: :smiley:

mick jones; now there’s an utter, utter cunt of a poster.