Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

I’m happy to believe Curry GAA’s version of events.

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To be taken with a pinch of salt I’d say. Or a tub of curry in this case.


I see what you did there…


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Mightn’t curry favour might club members

They’ll get their comeuppance - Korma has a funny way of coming back to you.



I suppose the first question here is who’s name came out of the draw?

They should have used Blu tack and stuck the ticket into the inside of the bucket.

Not that I have experience in fixing raffles or anything.


Yeah, you cant spit on it anymore and paste it ti the side

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Lads, lads, that would never happen with a GAA raffle, would it?
Asking for a friend who wonders why he never wins the AI ticket draw.

An old one but a goodie


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For FFS sake mate

Best removed?

Most definitely

Spoilered at least

We’ll take a PM for reference all the same

Pm it on. Only saw the start got the pics weeks ago