Who to boo in the World Cup

All the self-pitying bru-ha-ha over a bit of gamesmanship has ensured my support for France at the World Cup.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]All the self-pitying bru-ha-ha over a bit of gamesmanship has ensured my support for France at the World Cup.[/quote]We could say the same with regard the Limerick hurlers eh SS?:rolleyes:

Personally if they were to meet I couldn’t care one iota who wins,as long as they knock the shit out of each other in the process!


Before Rocko spilled chilli sauce from a kebab all over his keyboard and destroyed the afernoon’s posts I made the point that you won’t hear the boos over the South African’s annoying whistle blowing habit. Just thought I’d make that point again because I’ve nothing better to do with my Wednesday evening.

Are they whistles? Thought they were horns of some nature?

We are lucky that Watch Your Toes incredible racist statement was lost in the big Site Crash of 09.

http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l76/MysticalWytch/Smiley%20tags/DUNNO.gif to be honest, whatever it is, it’s annoying as fook.

No whistles or horns. Just tribal chants, they’re a very musical people, aren’t they?

[quote=“The Runt”]We are lucky that Watch Your Toes incredible racist statement was lost in the big Site Crash of 09.[/quote]I want all to know that the Runt is spreading false allegations of alleged racisim against me!Let me repeat my stance,those fukers with the whistles and horns should be banned and if not they should be kept out of every other game not involving the host nation so we the viewers can watch the games without having to turn the sound off!

Who? The rappers?


You broke the internet the last time you said that!

No the negros in general.

Do you not recognise the quote?

[quote=“Flano”]No the negros in general.

Do you not recognise the quote?[/quote]

Nope. I probably should though.

[quote=“Flano”]No the negros in general.

Do you not recognise the quote?[/quote]Now that’s racist!:eek:

It may be racist but I didn’t say it.

Who put the what in the where now?:confused:

they prefer to be called members of the rap community.


:clap::thumbsup: Fantastic stuff in fairness.