Who was protecting Jimmy Saville

  1. Johnny Vegas - fat, sloppy mess, can see why heā€™d have to get handsy

  2. No fucking idea as that is ridiculously cryptic!

Russel Brand

Shur weā€™ve all been in the oul sex therapy, no?

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Did you hear the rumour about him or figure it from his very shit clue?

Not a brothel

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Jack Russelā€¦and heā€™s a deviant

Betting Bbc GIF

I get that now. Would have got nowhere near it with his clue

I donā€™t know what the las vegas bit is

Johnny Vegas

Poor oul @Rockoā€™s lawyers will have no chance with ye

This time next year weā€™ll be in jail roddersā€¦

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Fuck me, I wonā€™t be inviting you to a table quiz anytime soon !!

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If we were on a tablequiz together, Iā€™d expect you to give me the answers to questions not cryptic clues to the answers!?

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Was Vegas married to the one from Dragons Den, Maya Dunphy?

In a situation like this yer one needs to put up or shut up, this sort of thing potentially blackens a lot of people

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He was.

In fairness he was punching when he was married to Maia Dunphy there for a while. He was definitely the reacher in that relationship.