Something I’ve always agreed with was Thomas Malthus’ theory on the “Principle of Population.”
This “Principle of Population” depended on the idea that population, if unchecked, increases at a geometric rate (i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.), whereas the food-supply grows at an arithmetic rate (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.).
Malthus suggested that only natural causes (such as accidents and old age), misery (war, pestilence, plague, and above all famine), moral restraint and vice (which for Malthus included infanticide, murder, contraception and homosexuality) could check excessive population-growth.
Explain this to me Flango. I can understand why the population could grow at a geometric rate alright but why does food supply have to grow at an arithmetic rate?
It’s a theory so it’s based on a number of assumptions so I’ll make some of my own. Imagine 50% of the population of the world are involved in agriculture/food production. If the population is increasingly at a large rate, won’t the number of people producing food increase at the same rate?
Do you believe that the earth is at capacity food production?
It has about as much merit as Swift’s satirical Modest Proposal from the 18th Century for example.
Oh yeah Geldof is a pure prick alright. But it’s just Flano’s effort at controversy that I’d like to see some evidence for. Obviously nobody on here really believes that humans are a commodity and should be tailored to fit supply and demand criteria, I just want to see how the logic of his argument stands up. I can’t see any reason why food production can’t increase at the same rate as the population.
I’ve heard of that theory Flano and I find it interesting. I don’t think Malthus took account of the technological advances that are increasing the global food production capacity though. When did he come up with it? If I remember correctly it was a few hundred years ago. One thing that is going to f00k up food production though is bio-fuels, these are the biggest waste of R&D money at the moment. There’s just not enough capacity to produce the grain or whatever is needed to meet energy demands withough completely f00kingg up food supplies. I blame this biofuel stuff for the surge in wheat prices.
It’s from about 150 years ago or so as far as I know. Of course he didn’t take technological advances into the equation because it’s a crap theory. It doesn’t involve any other factors except for population.
In a proper distribution of wealth and resources there’s no reason why there can’t be enough grain for food and fuel. Do you honestly think that if Carlow sugar factory was turned into a biofuel plant that it would harm the third world? Do they buy their grain from Ireland? And if we produce excess grain we can’t sell it to Africa because of EU trade agreements. We can’t even give it to them unless there’s an imperative cause. So sort out the trade agreements and you’ll sort out food shortages. Biofuels aren’t making any difference.
If you can’t provide for yourself don’t expect charity and fook off under a rock.
Does that mean you’ll be setting up your own forum?[/quote]
What? How did you come to that conclusion?[/quote]
If you can’t provide your own forum, why should you share with anyone else? It’s not a real question though, it just highlights how dependent you are on society, the same as everyone else. Pretending you’re indifferent to the plight of others is just crass.
Is it a baby’s fault that they are born into a famine stricken land?
Could the majority of the West not do without that 100 inch telly?
Is it unreasonable to ask that person in the West to go without the telly in order to save that baby’s life?
I don’t think so.
Or if you were to ask Ball Ox he would say that the guy in the West is more of a person that the baby in Africa for some God known reason.
Typical capitalist pig Flano. Just because you have had it handy in life. I’d like to see what you would be doing if you were born in Africa - the begging bowl would be out no doubt.
This is a very good discussion lads,. I remember I once had a friend in my Leving Cert class, who relished this theory and believed that war was the greatest thing that happened humanity, the deaths of millions in war saves the lives of millions in peacetime he stated.
I believe modern technology is only a stop gap measure in allowing this theory to come true. There’s only so much technology can do, once supply is fooked, technology can be rendered useless! If we forget about money and a capitalist world for a minute and look at these facts, it seems like their might be some truth in this theory.
The more people born the more mouths to feed and the more farmland destroyed, you only have to look at Lucan to see the proof in that. If Ireland’s population grew to 20 million, would there be more dwelling land then farming land? Would the entire EU suffer the same fate.
If so Africa could forget about the EU food mountain because the EU wouldn’t have enough food for themselves. Meanwhile Africa is destroying her farming resources through uneducated slash and burn techniques, and hence people are dying every year due to starvation.
If it wasn’t for the intervention of the EU we would probably fish certain species to extinction.
Yes, I really think there is some truth in this theory.