With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

The FFG way is to put every state resource or service into the hands of the private sector.

soon to be a multistory car park


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Possibly, but maybe not, due to the age, type of construction and condition of the houses.
Plenty of people kept the houses really well, others had them in awful condition.
Some LA’s refuse to maintain properties where there are rent arrears.

But then you can’t just flick a switch and build 100,000 LA houses, whatabout the here and now?
Not sure about inflated rents either, LTL is 80% of market rent.

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Great use of public money.

I hope she won’t need the house back anytime soon. I know of Fingal telling owners to fuck off if their situation changed and needed house back before end of the lease.

This is all well and good but if the State employees bricky’s, carpenters, plumbers etc etc directly, it’s all going to end in tears. Sure the first day it’s raining the boys will say “I’m not going out in that”.

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They won’t. They live on the Fingal Riviera mate.


Well it is a fixed term lease.

The state needs to have some though. Local teams attached to councils in my opinion. I’d fully agree with @gman that you cant magic up the expertise to build 800 gaffs. It has to be through public private partnerships at first otherwise it would be a horrendous mess. The biggest problem is that turning the policy around will cost a fortune and take a decade. And that’s not good news politically for anyone trying it. But you have to start somewhere.


Exactly. Wouldn’t we be better off doing up kitchens in houses we own than in houses juhy’s sister in law owns?

The state tenders for builder to build, it doesn’t need to become a building company.


Quite simply the state needs to own houses. That requires maintaining them.

You’re right, you can’t fix the problem overnight. I made that point in my post at the start. We need to continue with the current runaway spending policies (paying private landlords) while we implement the solution to buy our way out of them (building accommodation to be owned and managed by the state).

You certainly won’t improve things by paying more public money to more private landlords, which is the policy FG has been pursuing.

Not sure about inflated rents? In Ireland? Come on.

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just to give another example of the nimbyism problem we have with housing.

This picture here is of an area where a proposed 29 fully social housing units were proposed along with a family care centre. The intention of the development is for older people downsizing.

This is the general area of the site location, so fairly sparse all things considered.

Sinn Fein opposed the development, saying it was losing too much green space and that residents were not happy that it was too dense and the loss of green space was too much. They proposed a 16 unit development. Their argument was that they would put the loss of houses into another phase nearby to be done at a yet unknown date.

The final agreement was for 19 houses, so 9 less social houses are not being built because of objections by residents and political entities.

This is the exact location of the proposed site.

so 9 housing units and a care centre were removed because of the loss of green area.

Just to be clear, here is a zoomed in version

I dont want it to seem like I’d be happy lobbing houses anywhere and everywhere, but we have so much talk about housing crisis and how we need to get X amount of houses built in a year. And yet on the other hand every proposed development gets shut down or reduced. I fully believe the government have fucked up by shutting down construction with housing for 8 months in the last 2 years and it will have a knock on effect of deliveries when the next counts are done and we have our spin reports issued. But the opposition are not helping by opposing housing in their own localities then.


Are you saying I shouldn’t have invested in bunk beds for the rental property.

Bunk beds are always a solid investment.

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Fingal got rid of their depots. Maintenance all sub-contracted out. I will guarantee you that won’t change.

youd have to wonder what effect a national pooling of all LA housing would do for the housing list.

you get one refusal and after that if you refuse, youre off the list.

you either want a home or you dont

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As Juhy said, the kitchen didn’t need replacing. It was done because someone in the council decided a new kitchen would need less maintenance and parts would be easier for them to source. That’s a waste of money to make someones life easier. Kitchen probably cost €3k, you’d buy a lot of hinges and handles for that.

but the building part is more often the easiest part. Getting it to the point of being built on site is a different entity. So the likes of Glenveigh engage with Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and all other relevant design team and planning issues and do the full package. Putting all that back in the hands of the council is great in theory, but it needs them to massively increase their work force, of which there is very limited supply.

Councils can handle relatively small projects, but anything greater in their current set up is far too big for their resources and capabilities. There is room for a mix. They cant solely rely on private developers to provide them with housing, but to try eliminate them altogether is not going to be an easy or quick fix.