With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I think that AHBs are needed, they shouldnt be block buying entire estates or apartment blocks. They should be building themselves. Taking directly from the private market is helping no one but developers

That sounds suspiciously like an opinion :astonished:


It is more expensive for councils and the State to build.

They also have to go through procurement - this allows them side step it

Its a statement

You highlighted that previously alright, fair point


It actually seems like the Parkgate Street development might now proceed. A new planning amendment went in yesterday. Will be 30 floors.


any links to it

@anon98850436 mate Darragh really coming good


Heuston Masterplan detail progressing too. Taking advantage of DART+ and the new station there. Zero car area. That said, 1000 units needs to be revisited.


Should be a record year for completions. Ireland was fourth in Europe last year and will probably be higher this year.

More good news on housing.

1,300 units here at East Wall under construction.

They’re all so very very ugly.

Sorry mate. We need housing fast. Aesthetics have dropped down the wish list. Imagine a lad who hadnt got laid in years waiting for an elizabeth hurley to look at him.


While this is welcomed, the deal here between Glenveagh and Eagle Street was done prior to the interest rate hikes. The funds are now gone. Unless the LDA get their arse in gear there will be a serious drop off by the end of next year and 2025.

We could well have builders sitting around scratching their holes because the returns aren’t there, lack of funding as the banks retreat due to losses from commercial properties and the cost of materials making the cost of houses still too expensive.

It’s also hilarious given the state of the stuff Manchester is throwing up.

Classic modern politics.
Sorry Mickey, we need that chapel roof finished, just paint it fucking white.

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What’s Manchester got to do with anything mate?
You get really hot under the collar. You’re like a little handbag dog whenever anyone says a block of flats in Dublin looks ugly.