With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Finished it off today @TreatyStones @KinvarasPassion


Smashing , absolutely smashing .youd want another 10 ft of stone just to stop the nosy neighbours tho .

Jesus fair play that is a superb bit of work. Did you do it all yourself

There’s nobody behind that wall for about half a mile, don’t get confused them sheds are mine.The lawn needs work.

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I did Dan in my spare time.The plants needed shelter and it’s a bit cover for the bio cycle.I’ll put a bit of a fence around it in the next few days


Great job in fairness.

Generational work been done in fairness , love area for a bbq or a a nice decking area . Congratulations

Should get 30 odd likes for that, superb job. You’ve lads getting 20 likes for baking a bit of banana bread ffs


Not as tidy as I’d have liked,the stone wasn’t great just hoked out of an old ditch down the fields but it’ll do.

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Very tasty

This excellent phrase may need fleshing out for the non-agri posters on here…
Green enthusiasts such as @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be impressed though which will be a consolation.

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There’s lads here who’d get a blister lifting one of them stones.

You’re an artist

Prices will fall lads , hold tough for a few months ,ye will be first time buyers and getting on the market for cheap . Enjoy .

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That’s a smashing job. Lovely colour in the stones.

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Dublet looking to turn the screw :clap:

What’s that @Fagan_ODowd

That’s an ad on the back of the Irish Times

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You’d imagine if they’ve the guts of 30k available they’d just buy a place. What could that be all about?

Could be anything. Could be a fishing expedition to get a story for the paper.