Same for us, in fairness given the climate its probably fair enough.
We’re staying with the same bank so its not too bad - can transfer the life insurance at least.
Same for us, in fairness given the climate its probably fair enough.
We’re staying with the same bank so its not too bad - can transfer the life insurance at least.
This has just gone through
Oughterard? I hear you’re a racist now Flatty??
No Brown Trout.
Did you buy eglington house as well?
Was thinking the same, Lord Eglington
No mate.
I have other plans.
Just the moorings.
Great spot for swimming also.
Does anyone know what the crac with putting a shed on it would be?
My Lord’s and ladies may I introduce Baron flatty, Marquess of oughterard
Posh people I knew who had a house in Oughterard pronounced it Ooterard probably to distinguish themselves from the yokels. Cc @flattythehurdler
I can confirm this. As a kid we used to stop off in the convent there to visit my aunt, a nun, on family trips to Connemara.
The two old ladies who gave me orange and biscuits, I later discovered, were girls who had entered the Maghdalene Laundry and never recovered/left. Shortly after one of them died, a man from America came to look for her - her son.
The silent GH distinguished those of a better class from the guttural spluttering Gaels. The Earl of Iveagh pronounced Ivah was a good example. Upwardly mobile Gaels would disgrace themselves trying to pronounce this and saying Ivy.
A lot of Gaels pronounce Croke Park as Crow Park.
Congrats mate. Be a great place for the TFK BBQ/ Charity Swim of the summer of 2021.
I’d pronounce it with a cough. Fair few protestant ascendancy kicking about the place, and a few D4 heads who fish have houses down the glann road, the far end of which is absolutely beautiful.
It would actually.
No ghillie, no party
Is there any where you can find out if a property/mortgage has been defaulted? There’s a place up the road that has been sitting empty for nearly two years - tree down in the garden from a storm last year and tonnes of shite stuffed in the letter box… one of the neighbours reckon your man defaulted on payments and fucked off … mrs and I like the property.
Any swans knocking around?
You’ll be the first to know.