With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Not sure. The post Covid work model suggests people don’t need to live in Dublin
To work there.

We pay too much for accommodation but it’s same world over.

Remote working changes the game but it will be a hybrid. A hybrid will lead to other issues…

I simply don’t believe that.
I suspect whatever survey they did was skewed like a Tyrone footballer.

I personally havent seen so many housing developments announced or started for a long while. There is a shit load of activity, outside Dublin too I may add, for the likes of cluid, respond and then the likes of Cairn and Torca who do their own big developments. Its against all the grain, but I’m not entirely sure how much of a housing deficit there really is. There is a shortfall, but I think as much as anything is the shortfall is people are picky and not willing to accept any aul place offered or for sale. A lot of the scaremongering is actually being counter productive, the more people scream there is a shortage, the more then the supply is down, so capitalists in both rental and retail will drive up their prices and people will pay because of the shortage. I’d just like to see actual true and real figures of the shortfall and demand and of what supply there really is out there too.


What? That’s nuts.

Glanmire is absolutely prime real estate.

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Would a good share of it not tend to flood?

Most of it is way above ground. Glanmire and glounthane is mostly up the side of a hill.

You know what I done up an existing bungalow (70’s) 2 years ago and I’m still dicking around with it.Im sorry I didn’t just bulldoze the fuckin thing.It would have been more expensive but way quicker.


My bessier at the same craic. Place was a joke, as was the surveyor who told him it was grand.
Bought it.
Since then, it’s needed new roof, new wiring, new plumbing, scrub land at the front had been used as an illegal building waste dump, septic tank didn’t exist. Pipes ran downhill to a class of a drain, etc etc etc.
Some of the building was remarkably shit back then.

Sure does it surprise you when over 50% of the gov cabinet are probably lanldlords?

It’s absurd that people with a conflict of interest are afforded a vote on these matters,

Would you suggest that TDs that rent should not vote on these bills too?

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Renters don’t set the rent.

Landlords do.

Nonsensical. The same vested interests apply.

Housing is not an illegal investment.

They do not.

Landlords can sell their properties if they so wish. We are in the middle of a housing crisis where landlords are creaming it, where we have a homeless crisis and where first time buyers are finding it extremely difficult to get on the property ladder and you are advocating landlords being allow decide legislation on rent reform?

Typical Tory.

No, I advocate that all TD’s be allow decide legislation on rent reform etc.

We voted them in. You’re the one who wants to deny the people their representation. I was pointing out the imbalance and hypocrisy in your argument.

Mine wouldn’t have been as bad it was well looked after by an old couple. But it was still an old bungalow and there not much you can do with the layout,I put 2 big extensions to the side and the back but I’m still picking around with wiring,decorating the last of the old house.Small things like the floors not being level between room cause some lazy cunt put tiles down on top of tiles etc. They got that insulation in the attic that was just blown in loose on top of everything and is about 6 inches thick,it’s impossible to find wiring or joists and makes me itch now just thinking about it.I’ll get there eventually. Thank God I have a big island to sit at and have a cup of tea at while longingly gazing out over my half acre lawn.


So you’d allow TDs with vested interests vote on legislation that can benefit themselves immensely. You must have huge faith in the integrity of Irish politics.

If you made rental income tax free below certain levels e.g. 400 per bedroom or something then you’d drive down rents v quickly I’d say

I’d let all TD’s vote on all legislation.