With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I can’t either,other than that it would surely make a huge swathe of the rental market economically complicated, or just open it up to black market economics

The right people renting at about 150 under the going rate for cash is the perfect scenario. Everyone’s a winner.

The going rate is changing by the day.

Homeless HAP for a couple/single with one child is 1875 in dublin. 2 kids it’s 1912. 3 + kids is 1950. That’s your base rent there for new let’s. There’s a huge amount of property portfolios being bought up and on the market for a couple of hundred above this. Tenant pays an extra couple of hundred a month to the landlord on top of the HAP. The landlord wins, the tenant wins to some extent … The state gets gouged. As do other renters because of the above.

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It’s some farce alright.

And it’s essentially the state ripping the state off

Fucking hell, my rent would go up for 400 a month using that

It’s the tax payer who gets gouged.

What’s the solution?

Build more social housing. Quickly. And in the meantime instead of having investors buy up loads of stock to rent back to the government the govt should just buy it outright instead. Use compulsory purchase orders if necessary. The rental market is bananas because of the base set by HAP. Theres billions getting paid to landlords at over inflated prices and its money the state (us the taxpayer) will never get back.


It must be one of the most perfect examples of transfer of public wealth into private hands even though it looks on the surface like a left wing policy

A textbook example of FG “let the market sort it out” policy absolutely screwing all but a few.

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Exactly. “let the market sort it out” except they don’t and they didn’t.
The govt need to accept that any rule they bring in to try to improve things, the landlords will have the rats at it and pick holes and bend it out if shape.
The state needs to ensure the housing stock increases, and rapidly. They could ban air BnB from rent pressure zones in the short term, or tax it out of existence, whilst they address the stock shortage in the medium term.


It’s all about supply. But will require a revolution to make it happen

When you let landlords vote on legislation that directly impacts landlords then you have a serious problem.

Agreed, but you can’t exactly stop that in a democracy.

Is it really a democracy though. The Gov have no problem pushing through things when they want to.

As much as any govt is, yes.

I don’t think the market has ever sorted anything, ever.

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It isn’t just all about supply though. It’s about who owns the supply too.

That’s where the revolution bit comes in.

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