Woeful Journalism



That’s a classic in fairness.

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I’m not sure if this is journalism but it appeared in the Irish times.

Mother of Christ how was that published?

Its fucking terrible. The inane ramblings of an entitled Carkie emigrant.

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If that appeared on the Limerick Post I’d be surprised. On the fucking Irish Times?!

Bizarre vague shit about being bolder and looking for more “colour” in positions of power. And the vaping one looks like it was thrown in cos he only had 9 and was running out of time.


Cark. Enough said. Stop complaining I’m back and its full of dog shite… wait that’s not dog shite


That needs to be read aloud in a Cark accent . One for Reggie maybe?

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Absolute tripe. It reminds me of a leaflet from a local councillor before who had a 10 point plan.
On health service: Let’s clean up this mess once and for all


The “health service “ is none of a councillor’s responsibility . Any one that mentions it in election lit should be snubbed

Sorry he was running for the Dail at the time

Have they no vaping shops in Berlin and Melbourne?

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Is he currently a minister?

No - never made it

Fair points about the housing scenario and public transport but any cunt knows these issues.

Look he’s head of media at Cork University so he obviously knows what hes talking about no matter what he’s talking about.
I love the way he includes himself in the diaspora of engineers, doctors etc that we should be learning from.


Nothing needs that mate.

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As good a place as any.
No doubt Eoghan will take the decision on the chin and say no more about it