Woeful Journalism

This is glorious


A slave to rhythm :joy::joy:

A lovely one from this genre was in The Daily Record a decade ago:


“MAURICE EDU watched in astonishment as a working-class black man with a Muslim sounding name became president of his country.

But while the rise of Barack Obama stunned this exiled American it’s nothing compared to the miracle he sees every day he works beside David Weir.”

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Thats a serious clamping, wrote in language Fintan can’t but respect too which I suspect was quite deliberate.

I see Fintan has another big book out on Brexit . I really wonder why the Irish liberal elites are taking Brexit personally ? I don’t really think they give the remotest fuck about mushroom farmers in Monaghan or a small engineering plant in donegal

Christ, that is some pile of self satisfied wank.

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I remember Waghorne from UCD.an extremely odd character. He has a major speech impediment. Comes across as a non-creep but very few friends. He wore a suit everywhere. He was writing for the Irish Daily Mail and him only a student. Possible asexual I’d say.

Daily mail would be about right.


Stopped reading after he said €30,000 is gambled every second in Cheltenham.

1000s of lives were gambled every second this year

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Ya pull up ruby walshs piece too the few days after Cheltenham, not once did he mention the virus .


Open and closed so, fucking horsey prick.

Fantastic headline.

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The sad decline of Irish journalism continues, the Irish Times are now stealing their opinion pieces from former posters.

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This seems a very lazy article. No rhythm to it at all.

It’s like he literally wrote down everything Kelly said and that was it

It’s actually worse than the headline suggests.