Would You Re-Join The Commonwealth to Secure Ireland?

Serious rattled levels on display here - stage 11 if we are to go by the amount of smiley faces.


Id say the only fella rattled is the patriot who joined SF to free Ireland and will end up campaigning to get the commonwealth games to limerick

It will be a great boost to the local economy.

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So sinn fein view an oath of allegiance as an obstacle to taking seats in westminster but not as an obstacle to joining the commonwealth?

Where did anyone say that? Dont be acting the fanny now - you’re better than that.

Stop with that logic shit!

Twas a genuine question

I despise logic as much as everyone else on here!

Do you think the majority of people on this island would accept it? It’s a bit of lip service to Unionists… nothing more.

The majority in Cork would anyway, the pretend Republicans to the fore.

We would be no better than the Scotch or the Welch.

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Joining the commonwealth or swearing an oath?

either / both/ take your pick.

Why not make Harry and Meghan King and Queen altogether?

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The Prince and Princess of Ireland.

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  1. It’s only common sense that Ireland would be a member of the commonwealth, the fact that it isn’t shows contempt for the unionist tradition. It also shows how entirely myopic the Munster men’s view of the world is and that no-one south of Dublin, SFers like @anon61956325 excepted, are remotely serious about a united Ireland.

  2. The mainstream media obsession with getting SF to swear an oath of allegiance in Westminister is sinister in the extreme and shows the long-standing partitionist inclinations of the Irish government and mainstream media, which are thinly veiled at best. It also shows complete contempt for the history of the Dail. The founders of the State have betrayed the State. The reason SF doesn’t sit in Westminister is because it thinks that the 6 counties of Northern Ireland should properly cease to be part of the United Kingdom and they feel it would be hypocritical therefore to sit in Westminister. That it not an unreasonable position.

Joining the commonwealth doesn’t involve swearing an oath of allegiance to the Queen you complete tit. All that is necessary is to recognise the queen as the valid head of the commonwealth (which she obviously is) Some members of the commonwealth like Australia are realms of the commonwealth and recognise the queen as their head of State but most members of the commonwealth are republics and do not.

The likes of Micheal Martin, @glenshane, @gilgamboa etc who are deliberately misrepresenting this, twisting the facts and criticising SF for a brave progressive position that they’d never have the balls to take themselves are liars, cowards and charlatans and I’ve complete contempt for the cunts.

I know @anon61956325 doesn’t like my essays but maybe he’ll forgive this one.

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We’re about to get the Irish Muslim opinion.

See above. One Allah one Ireland.


Only Allah can save us. The Christian God made a balls of it.

North men, south men, comrades all…

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