Would You Re-Join The Commonwealth to Secure Ireland?

A lot of smiley there


Learn some manners you reactionary dimwit. Do you know what a question mark is? How you managed to conjure up that menstrual rant from a simple question directed towards two other posters is beyond me.




Money :moneybag:

32 of the 53 countries in the commonwealth are republics.

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@Fagan_ODowd - My Knowledge of Irish history stops at 1923 - Can you tell me, could Dev have united Ireland long ago by granting the ports to Churchill during the war and officially joining the war effort? Given that 50k Irish men fought in the war and we were already being bombed by Gerry, it seems bizarre that Dev would pass up this opportunity… can you expand on this period please, mate?

Lot of silence from the ra stoolers and the West Brits here this morning - both full of chatter and cheap shots but when it comes down to action they dont want to know about it.

I am organising a protest march in cork city against us joining the commonwealth. Assume you wont be allowed to attend comrade?

Would we have a chance of winning a load of medals in the Commonwealth Games if we joined?

Are we joining? I had a search there and I could find nothing about us joining anywhere.

Search this thread and talk to Mary Lou if your struggling. Probably hasnt filtered down to the rank and file yet

I’ve searched the thread and texted MLM - neither turned up results. Nothing in the news or online either…it seems you know something no one else does.

Cc @anon61956325

Here you go comrade. MLM confirms she will consider it

You won’t be sneering at Councilor Emmett after the Local Elections.

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Ohhhh so you’re marching against it being considered rather than us actually joining…got ya. Best of luck with it, pal.

Best nip these things in the bud comrade. Id hate for it to get bloody

Ffs, Australia win these “games” every time its on, so the standard isn’t exactly brilliant.

Stormont administers British rule.

SF have thrown away so many of their core “principles” at this stage it is difficult to take their current stance seriously.

hahaha “Sinn Fein” & “principles” in the same sentence! Mind you that could be said of any political party or politician on this island. Gombeen bastards the lot of them.