Would you stand beside a muslim/arab in a crowd?


There is nothing worse than badly dressed prime time mews anchor people trying to solve crime. This should be left to the TFK International Investigations Bureau.


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There are thousands of cows and sheep killed in ireland every day too

Sacrificed on the streets to a false God? Really?

:smile: you ape

those nutjobs believe in the same god as you, pal


That’s a clamping


i thought you were off the drugs kid?

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They smell of curry

to recap - i don’t take coke, e’s, speed, steroids … although am partial to a drink and the odd bit of weed. hope that answers your question, pal.

Fucking barbarians - These Muslims have barely evolved from cavemen.

At one stage the middle East was more advanced than the West. Suppose they went backwards when religion got a grip

They’ve stood still for 1500 years - cutting each other’s heads off is about the height of it these days

That rt.com website that you linked to is a source of some top quality news. Today’s headlines include:-


The non radicalized ones are sound skins.

The three headlines are all fairly accurate I would think .


The thread headline/title sounds like the type of humour you’d get off some pisshead bluffer in some shitbox of a pub on a Friday night in Capparmore or some other kip.

After walking through the Alhambra palace, I often wonder where it went wrong…

You still smoking grass, or did you quit?