Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Wasn’t IRA dogma that they were the state for the entire island of Ireland? The only legitimate government for the entire island of Ireland with a continuing mandate from the General Election of December 1918.

There’s people involved in Sinn Fein who were involved in murder and covering up child sex abuse. Only 25 years ago they were blowing up and shooting people who disagreed with them


The virtue signalling in this thread is appalling. Some of the Ira deeds were depraved alright, but the British army were and are a direct arm of a so called civilised state, and, as such, are more shocking in many ways. They were horrific times, and may and her ilk have zero qualms about exposing innocent people to that risk again.
Anyhow, these arguments are unwinnable and, in truth, pointless.


@johnnysachs merely expressed his disgust on the murders carried out by the British state in regards to Ballymurphy — you then had a load of British apologists jump in and move the goal posts a million miles from the original point.

You’d truly be embarrassed to be Irish at times when you see how severe the spineless / servile attitude has been ingrained in people’s minds over the years.


I thought the final word here was actually petard and I haven’t the time or inclination to ascertain if retardness is in fact a noun. Rejig the phrase there when you get time, I’d imagine you can make it fit.
It can then be appended to the poster it was targeted at.

I see the monument at Narrow water has been vandalised again. Whatever your thoughts on the Brit army, what kind of ignoramous does this.

A caller on talkback today said two red, white and blue wreaths from football supporters were vandalised, wreath from the british legion etc weren’t.

still a low thing to do.

Agreed, but maybe more to do with a low-grade football rivaly than was reported


Paratroopers have some history in Ireland. Cunts. Warrenpoint was a glorious day.


Nothing to see here except the Northern Ireland Secretary standing up in the House of Commons and saying that Bloody Sunday, the murder of Aidan McAnespie, the Miami Showband massacre and all the other vile crimes perpetrated by the British state documented in this thread, were and are not crimes at all.

I imagine there’s a few posters here who’d back her up.

If you’re a forum poster who reads this and think I’m aiming this remark at you, I very likely am.

Ref Miami showband massacre- Netflix are bringing a remastered version of the original out v soon ( what I was told anyway next few weeks)

Any of the daily papers leading with this ?

No. They are leading with a story about Gerry Adams sharting in his underpants in 1973.


That is outrageous.

And to think the parties in Northern Ireland have to deal with this ignorant yoke.

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Nothing changes

I think a representative of one of them nodded his head in agreement.