Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

You’re very chippy with me this morning, what’s up bro?

He thinks you’re a creep

Just dropping you a friendly dunt mate…

You are very tetchy today young man

Can you show me where or when I said anything of that sort ?

I see a Belfast based Spurs fan account in the replies there


Unquiet Graves is a great if harrowing watch.

Aired for first time on RTE tonight, hadn’t realised it was made so long ago.

Crazy the cover ups the British Intelligence system got away with.

You’d forget what an absolute bunch of bastards the Brits are some times

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And yet you’ll have freestate cunts telling northern Catholics that they should have sat there and just took it like Dana,she was from Derry but ever joined the RA apparently


Still - they civilised us.

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Not only that - but we should be sitting in the same parliament as them apparently … while the killers of this and other state led operations/ collusion are still at large… It’s usually Tipp lads like @the_man_himself and @caulifloweredneanderthal - lads who make sure they are seen by everyone at the Sean Tracey memorial but then spit on their own country men with the other side of their mouth…


@carryharry is another one actually …

Why are Tipp people so servile?

We shouldn’t be running in the same elections as them so

You’re not very bright are you?

Tried to

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I’ll store this post, bookmark it even and when the day of reckoning is upon us I’ll unleash it upon you.

You’ll apologise immediately or forever live in fear.

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I’ve yet to receive a decent response to what the difference is between running in elections and recognising government agencies and sitting in parliament

Say Nothing is an outstanding read.
The brits are appalling, as are the unionist agitators.
The price sister’s are/were total psychos who got off on being involved in violence and murder.
Jarry came out of the book as bad as the brits though.

I see Jamie Bryson on Twitter saying loughinisland is only propaganda by republicans. Bryson is a sick human.

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