Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Eoghan Harris has his new burner account in operation.

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So you think the correct response to Ballymurphy was to create Ballymurphys on the “other side”?

The HET team are looking into Kingsmills.

Will we see such a strong reaction here when those findings come out?

Will we fuck.

I’m actually Ruth Dudley Edwards.


I look forward to many more “escape hatches” being produced by you on this thread as your lack of debating ability is continually exposed.

Do you think the correct response was to say “these things happen” and say it wasn’t a big deal?

Should every violently oppressed side turn the other cheek.

You cite Kingsmill in a 30 year conflict.

It’s a bizarre stance, truly bizarre.

No I’ll just continue to expose you as a vacuous hypocrite.

I know that is what will really get under your skin.

So you do think things like Kingsmills were appropriate reactions.

And if you don’t, you’re Eoghan Harris.


What state was behind Kingsmill?


These things happens in wars.

It was wrong but inevitable.

Dunmanway was wrong too

Kingsmills was a disgusting purely sectarian attack. But again you show your complete ignorance of the North. The Glennane gang were, with security force collusion, conducting a campaign of sectarian assassinations culminating in the murders of the O’Dowds and Reaveys. Kingsmills was a direct retaliation for those killings and wrong on all levels as it was, the Glenanne gang and their british masters were given pause.


Projection ahoy.

You were absolutely destroyed on the GAABoard under your “Angelo” handle, by far the most hated poster on the site.

Even Sinn Fein supporters lining up to tell you to shut up out of embarrassment at your incessant bigotry.

It’s a minor tragedy upon the obviously much larger one experienced by the Ballymurphy families that blowhards like you, who don’t give a toss about the actual victims or their families, line up to weaponise their tragedy as a justification for inflicting the same on civilians from the other side.

You’re losing it again.

You are the former Provo supporter on here. Dozens on posts from you justifying their campaigns and supporting them.

You should have this argument with your former self

Your former self you wipe the floor with your pathetic being these days

How exactly am I showing my “complete ignorance of the North”? Explain, please - because you don’t. You just say it because you feel confronted and don’t know what else to say.

It’s in his post. You seem to think that oppressed communities should take state sponsored violent oppression lying down.

You must abhor Nelson Mandela as to say otherwise would expose you as a hypocrite.

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No. I don’t. I just think there are better ways than vultures fomenting a 27 year campaign of atrocities in response.

Incidentally the Teggart family hadn’t seen the last of murder in the Troubles. Danny Teggart’s 15 year old son Bernard was abducted and murdered two years later. By the IRA.

Eddie Doherty, had he not been shot by the Brits, would likely have been a target for the IRA, because he was in the Territorial Army. John McKerr was a Corporal in the British Army in World War II.

Ah sure the nationalist community should have just sucked it up.

Maybe if the IRA condensed all their killings into a 3 year period and targeted Protestants like the Old IRA did down in Cork thet would have been more justifiable.

Strap a few lads to a tree and detonate a landmine at them.

That would have given it more legitimacy.

Primetimes 2nd story after the usual scaremongering

So you don’t think there were better ways than a 27 year campaign of atrocities. Cool.

Some of us saw through the snake oil of nationalism years ago.

Time you did.

That’s where you expose your ignorance. It wasn’t about nationalism or republicanism. It was about defending ourselves. Fighting back.

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None of the Ballymurphy victims had anything to do with Provos. One was in the Territorial Army. One was a British Corporal in World War II. Another had a son in the law in the British Army. Another had a 15 year old son abducted and murdered by the Provos two years later.

The atrocities which became the Provos’ calling card within a very short time were not “fighting back”. They were murder. Just like the Brits and the Loyalists murdered.

The selling point of the Provos wasn’t “fighting back”. It was a united Ireland through slaughter. And it destroyed the idea of fighting back legitimately. And it got nobody anywhere. It set back the cause of united Ireland many decades.

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The nationalist community should have just taken their friends and relatives being murdered by state forces in broad daylight in their stride.

This is Eoghan Harris level nonsense from Sid.

A walking, talking contradiction from a guy who was a Provo cheerleader up until a few years ago.

There’s another equivalence with Eoghan Harris, a complete 180 without any sense of shame or recognition.

Why did you support an armed campaign that ended over 20 years ago up until a few years back yet not you denigrate it. The war has been over for 20 years so how on earth could your opinion change?

Is it emotional, did someone from SF diss you and you took it very personally?

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