Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

How northern nationalists could have done with a Slobodon Milosevic or Franjo Tudjman figure in the free state. Say what you like about those guys but they’d never have served their people up on plates where they were ethnic minorities like the quislings down south did.


people like Jack Lynch threw them under a bus, the likes of Charlie Haughey should have been given more power and room to manoeuvre


Jack Lynch had the chance to do something powerful, selfless, sacrificial. He knew what was happening up north to his own people was brutal and unjust but he neglected to do anything for self-serving reasons and for that he has much blood on his hands.



A cark quisling


It started with the flight of earls. Nordies are cowards and run at the first sign of trouble, a bit like the Italians.


While the rest of Ireland was acquiescing to British rule, the gaels in Ulster were rebelling. Ulster gaels have always been the enfant terrible to the British rule in Ireland.

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The irish are not a brave people (except after 10 ten pints of course) that’s why they are easily ruled, first by the British and the Catholic church and now by the EU

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Stop being a wum. The Irish are probably no less or more brave than any other nationality. Subservience to the church, subservience to the crown, subservience to whatever else. It’s all the same.

Watched the massacre at Ballymurphy documentary last night and its a credit to channel 4 for their thoroughness and unequivocal account of events that occurred between 9-11 August 1971. It gave a context into how Catholic nationists were effectively living in an apartheid state where police, crown forces were supposed to be protecting but instead colluding and conspiring and subverting. In this context then it was clear how the provisional IRA came into existence. It also shows how chief of staff of British army Mike Jackson was decorated and knighted for his “service” and now undoutedly lives a comfortable retirement. There seems to be a clamour lately in British parliament for immunity for these war crimes committed by now retired British soldiers who may possibly but unlikely face retrospective prosecution. I hope these people get the answers they deserve. Not only were their loved ones assassinated but their characters were too by spurious claims of wrong doing.

It seems any acts perpetrated by british army and loyalists are flagrantly ommitted by a docile and compliant southern media when analysing root cause of the conflict. When Ballymurphy is mentioned all you see are blank faces. Most have never heard of Ballymurphy or other such atrocities and media have been very selective in their reporting of same. I hope RTE or the latest incarnation of channel 3 buy the rights to this but I won’t hold my breath.



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I’d say they are shitting themselves as to what would come out in a trial.

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I obviously care a lot about the people who were killed on Bloody Sunday. My granny was from Derry and knew that priest who held up the white hankie apparently, but I sometimes get the sense that the constant focus on Bloody Sunday has allowed Irish politicians and people in general to avoid having to do the difficult work of facing up to the mass murder of Nationalists across the 6 counties. I think they don’t want to do that work because it would be controversial and make them look like Sinn Fein / IRA sympathisers.

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Acknowledging that legitimises the Provo campaign they have been tut tutting about for nearly 50 years.

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I thought everybody knew Bishop Edward Daly.

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There is not enough political capital in it for them to do so. In a way they would be occupying ground and space that SF control and would be seen to be on their side. Cowardly cunts that they are. In fairness Simon Coveney did at least go up and meet the families at the start of the summer but this was merely a tick the box reactionary measure. It sickens me that we abandoned these people in the 6 counties for decades and did nothing. I have never watched something with so much despair and anger. I later learned that late late show gave Mike Jackson who presided over these merciless paras a platform to plug his memoir. They have abdicated all responsibility as a public service broadcaster.


And once you start looking into collusion in the north then you might have to start concerning yourself with the Dublin and Monaghan bombings.


In almost every respect of their programming. Nail on the head.

Northern Ireland is a very, very strange place.


Why did RTE not do a documentary on the Ballymurphy killings? I guess the new Brendan O’Connor show needed a lot of resources.

Anyway, where can I watch this thing, is it on the Channel 4 Player?