Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Nothing changes

I think a representative of one of them nodded his head in agreement.

I actually saw that now that you mention it.

Bradley’s words and Wilson’s reaction are actually very similar to the words and sentiments of a lot of people who are keen to push this mostly bogus anti-Semitism narrative in both the UK (Labour) and US (Ilhan Omar) - while engaging in shameless, and importantly, very real anti-Semitism and racism themselves, and seeing no irony whatsoever.

They are shameless defenders of cold blooded state murder, while mendaciously painting any sort of reaction against it as bigotry.

And the latter is exactly what Bradley and Wilson are and do.

All in all, it’s the classic Trumpian and general reactionary right-wing strategy - accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of.


Mad the way Sidney is so convinced that Donald Trump and his voters were anti semites because of some graffiti but any suggestion of anti semitism for his team is “bogus”.

Mad the way you respond to something I didn’t say, rather than something I did say.

Mad the way you’re so keen to deny any of the following quoted passage is anti-Semitism.

And mad too that you’d deny the words of the son of a Holocaust survivor who worked for Trump for years and says categorically that the man is a racist.

And mad the way you completely ignore the racism that permeates both the Tory party and the Republican party from top to bottom.

You sound like somebody wiith a real problem with this stuff.

Can you both keep all that stuff to one of the many other threads currently discussing the same topic?


I posted on topic with a very legitimate and pertinent comparison of Bradley and Wilson to anti-Semitic racists elsewhere.

It isn’t my fault if somebody decides to deny that comparison.

It really has nothing to do with it but you’ve come up with some narrative in the last couple of days so are running with it.

Bradley is just another moron, end of it.

I just deal with reality. You don’t.


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WTF is that hanging from her neck?

The only surprising thing about Bradley’s comments is that people would be surprised by them.

Especially given this.

By three to one, British people think the British Empire is something to be proud of rather than ashamed of – they also tend to think it left its colonies better off, and a third would like it to still exist

That’s not surprising.

At the risk of going off topic, doesn’t a sizable chunk of Americans think that the end of the world is going to happen at some stage?

Bradley wouldn’t be the brightest. She is a protege of the Prime Minister.

To be fair, it very likely will happen at some stage, but I think it’s a while away yet.

She’s said sorry chaps so let it go.

In fairness this is in line with what rde thinks- you don’t seem to have a problem plagiarising her when it suits you

It doesn’t matter that she apologised, the fact is that she said and she believes what she said. Do you think she would have apologised if there hadn’t been a backlash against her comments? Also look at the nodding heads that agreed with her, that’s what they really believe. The apology is not but an attempt to take the heat off and save her arse .


I think this line is very pertinent to you, considering you actually have a record of actually defending British colonial racist arrogance.