Anyone got one of these bad bhoys?
I was trying to win one over the past couple of weeks by gambling but succeeded only in betting more on events I knew nothing about with a view to generating a set income. In the end I just gave up and went out and bought one with Pro Evolution Soccer 6. Have to say it’s excellent, looks the part and the game plays like a dream.
Have the whole broadband setup and wouldn’t mind playing a couple of people online, but I don’t particularly want to play against some random punter from England who’ll hammer me first up anyway. Waiting for thepiedpiper to get his broadband installed at the moment so I can play him.
Bandage Brian Lara Cricket is out after Christmas with online play as well and I’ll be recommending that to you highly. Me sitting at home deleting Ball Ox’s racist posts with one hand while playing cover drives with Ponting with my other hand as you sit in your gaff stripped down to your boxers surrounded by pizza boxes floating in half volleys with Monty for me to swat away.