You'd want your head examined or have daughters like Hopper McGrath, to manage a Ladies team thread

Under nine minutes to a scoreless half

Mick Bohan and his ilk have ruined this once beautiful game.

And it’s a goal for Dublin

That is that


What a finish. :grin:

Inevitably the first score is a goal.

3 points could be an unassailable lead here.

Or Gooooollllllddddrrrrriiiiccckkkkk?

Tyrone, sledging. Not even going to bother explaining the connection there

3 Galway defenders taking each other out of it there.

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You’ve lost me.

You don’t want to know about some off the off the ball carry on tbh.

stoppage to replace false eyelashes

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Big test today for the water proof fake tan companies.

Charging rule is a joke.

Think there was an ASOS catalogue thrown in from The Hill and all the Galway defenders were attracted to it.

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Great score there…

Fine score. :clap:

Great point. Reminded me of me in my prime. Tapping them over.

Fuck sake they are trying to walk the ball over the bar