Your Favourite Totti/Il Bomber Destro/Rudi Memories

Will Joedotie have a Kev wins the INTERNET story in the morning?

perfect opportunity for kev to show what a mature and humble individual he is by waivering the bet… the young pup has learned his lesson about going up against a forum heavyweight and will come back a better poster for the experience, if allowed… Putting lads on ignore or banishing a lad from the forum over a bet is not what internet banter should be about…maybe kev could chose bomber’s username for the next month or so.

Well that’s the Roma thread fucked so.

@Il Bomber Destro - I demand you come back.

+1. Don’t let that clown take you away from the rest of us.

what happened?
to be honest i have always been slightly irritated by those old lady yapper type dogs so in a similar vein i wouldnt miss the smelltalian that much but i am curious as to the events leading to the departure

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[QUOTE=“Chucks Nwoko, post: 1107340, member: 2812”]Following Bomber’s departure, a northern vacuum of sorts has been created on the board. This is an extremely unhealthy situation.
I pledge to do my best to rectify this. I also can be argumentative, unpopular, spiteful and feel that if Monaghan was in the Munster championship, we’d make the QFs every year. I do however wash my shirts after a maximum of 2 wears, and am not completely fucking hopeless with women.[/QUOTE]

Dafuq. o_O

A shame the big guy couldn’t be around here today for that. I’m sure he enjoyed it though.

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He strikes me as the type of guy who wouldn’t have enjoyed the occasion but would have spent his time at the game posting about it online. He’s probably in somewhere like Flannerys now with mates of his who are close to scoring women but the women are scared cos of the creepy guy in the group who won’t put his phone away.


I’m sure he enjoyed it, he vociferously defended Tyrone against all the nonsense wrote about them on here and I’m sure his vindication was very satisfying.

It’s an Italian thing. They always have an angry face on when they win. They can’t celebrate properly. Compare that to English people who have a much better attitude to winning. Look at the joy on our cricketers’ faces when we won the Ashes today. You’d never see that from Italians after a sporting victory.

What vindication? Didn’t he gamble his username on a pointless league match? Only an idiot would do something like that.

He was ballsy and convinced in the talent of this Tyrone team, he had faith, guts and moxy and he has proven right at the end of today.

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Hardly. Tyrone beat an awful Monaghan team this week, and 2 fairly sub-standard Connacht teams. They’ve got a run through to the semi finals similar to Wexford in 2008.

Tyrone are in the last four of the All Ireland.

Well observed mate, so were Wexford

We were outstanding today against a very good Monaghan team, we made them look average. We have an abundance of classy forwards, really top drawer players in the likes of Cavanagh, Harte, McNabb and McCurry.

We’re there to win it, Kerry will be quaking in their boots about having to face us. Hopefully big Joey is fit in two weeks time.

Totti would have been delighted to read in todays paper that forum favourite Francis Brennan is also asexual

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