Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

like when you said you had an opinion, but that it was too long winded and complicated to be outlined on here. Then when pressed for said opinion, you admitted you made that up, that you really didnā€™t have oneā€¦canā€™t wait for your next engagement

they have already acted, imams and prominent muslims have come out and said they are worried about the spread of it here. they are the decent people on the ground, most muslims are, but will the government help them, look into their concerns? will they fuck, they are terrified of being branded racists by the PC brigade like our two resident shriekers

You are inclined to rave on a bit there as well.

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All the people you mention in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this post would have left Saddam Hussein in place, rather than invade Iraq.

Yet alone among those people, all of whom have the same view as myself, you say that ā€œIā€™m OK with him gassing Kurdish kids to deathā€.

You can see how this makes you look like a screaming fool, yes?

Can you see how this makes you look like a total hypocrite, given you defend the Iraq invasion and advocate the invasion of Saudi Arabia?

Itā€™s a fundamentally irreconcilable position to complain about ā€œinnocent or misguided youth being sent to be slaughtered at the whim of decision makers who are far removed from the front linesā€, while advocating this very policy, far from the front lines, in British Columbia or wherever you are.

Your excuses for why the US invasion of Iraq didnā€™t work smack of the dog ate my homework. Any excuse, any deflection, but no mention of the central and obvious reason - the vast majority of the people of Iraq didnā€™t want them there.

Amazingly enough for you to know, Iā€™d love the Saudi regime or any despotic regime gone and replaced with a liberal, democratic government, like, oh, say, Sweden, if that were possible. But it isnā€™t.

The thing is that you still seem to be under the impression that by going to war against despotic regimes the US can flick a switch and impose freedom and democracy, except of course, they canā€™t. They can and will only make things worse by interfering in places where they are so clearly not wanted, as they have done again and again and again. You want to add another ā€œagainā€ to that already very long list.

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I think youā€™ll find it was one of @HBVā€™s own supporters that did that.

Can you outline what it is that annoys you about political correctness? Because in my view itā€™s overwhelmingly a good thing that is fundamentally based on respecting people.

Read back over your posts to see whoā€™s been shrieking.

Both myself and @glasagusban have consistently and comprehensively outpointed you and others on pretty much every topic thatā€™s been brought up.

You or him have given no opinions whatsoever, and have ā€˜outpointedā€™ others in your own head. You think people didnā€™t want regime change in iraq, i think youā€™ll find the shia and kurds most definitely did. Sure were the allies right to invade nazi germany and impose regime change, the germans certainly didnā€™t want them there?

Youā€™re constantly calling me a fool and also giving long responses to pouints Iā€™ve made in my posts, so I think thatā€™s a pretty clear indication that Iā€™ve given opinions and plenty of them.

You still canā€™t grasp the concept of choosing between one bad choice and one terrible choice, can you?

In other posts you strongly object to any Nazi references, and now here you are with the Nazi references. The irony.


This thread had 96 unread posts, and there hasnā€™t even been a false flag attack.

It was very sad about those 3 Irish people killed by muslim terrorists in Tunisia.

Nice refusal to answer the question. Again.

Youā€™ve failed to answer a whole series of valid questions and points Iā€™ve aimed at you, and also failed to address the fundamental and unintentionally hilarious contradictions in your own points.

I might get around to giving a response to your rather infantile question when you do that.

as it blows your braindead arguments out of the water, Iā€™m guessing you wonā€™t get around to answering it anytime soon. But please list the points Iā€™ve refused to respond to, I thought Iā€™ve answered them, if not point them out to me, I wonā€™t go off in a huff refusing to answer them like you, or I wont be on the spot with the spell check either, your other favourite tactic

Thatā€™s all very well. The problem is that Daesh donā€™t operate in a politically correct manner. Therefore other measures to deal with them are needed. Suppress their supporters, kill as many of their operatives as possible and respect their human rights as much as they respect those of their victims. Holding hands wonā€™t work.

What exactly has the PC agenda got to do with Daesh?

Youā€™re confusing political correctness with geopolitical strategy.

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You failed to engage with anything in this post, for a start.

You fail to address:
i) Why you think the people who wrote against and marched against the Iraq War were ā€œdecent peopleā€, but I apparently, support gassing Kurdish people.

ii) Your fundamental and simplistic misunderstanding in thinking that a despotic regime can simply be overthrown by the US without it leading to unforeseen consequences that make the situation far worse and far more complicated than if there was no invasion.

iii) Your failure to understand the lessons of the disaster of US foreign policy since World War II and your laughable attempts to try and disassociate yourself it from supporting it despite advocating a continuation of it. Very David Aaronovitch-esque.

iv) Your frankly hilarious advocacy of the writings of Chomsky, Pilger and Fisk when compared against your advocacy of everything they have railed against.

People like flatly

I disagree with you here. Might leave myself open to the standard accusations of being the pinko lefty blah blah blah here but: if you want ā€œusā€ to be able to consider ourselves better than ā€œthemā€, then we are held to a higher standard. Respect rule of law, no torture, no extra judicial killing etc. Thatā€™s why Israel is such a cunt. If you want to call yourself a democracy than uphold that standard.

This is why @flattythehurdlerā€™s views on the ECHR is wrong. You want to live in a western society it means peoplesā€™ rights are respected. The system is designed to protect these, if you want that it canā€™t be discarded whenever you you feel inconvenienced or outraged enough.