12 pubs of Christmas

Do you get a lot of women?

I’m between deodarants at the moment. There are a few small bottles of Ted Baker smellies lying around that I chuck on me when the mood takes me.

Does “between deodorants” not just mean you’ve no deodorant, like between jobs?


I used to use Nivea but don’t anymore since they got into bed with the English huns.

I use Sure now.

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You’re on the ball today in fairness.

I used to use Fish a bit in my yoof but they’re harder to find these days.

What interests women will be of no relevance to you after 12 pints

I thought you lad’s were wumming… Lad’s in their 30s/40s falling around to 12 pubs … The mind boggles.


You should use something with a subtle fragrance, preferably roll on. Not the fucking fly spray you’re loading up with.

You’d want to be some light weight to be falling around after 12 pints. Fffs

Anything more than 8 pints is absolute piggery

That’s nothing to do with anything.

I haven’t been out out in a year… 5 pints and I’d be heading for bed.

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I had 3 lovely pints last night and came away home. Good company, nice pints, home early, bit of grub and nfl. Fresh as a daisy this morning.

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Jesus is life that bad

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Any more than 8 and knobs start coming out in the dance floor these days

It’s when lads put a few drops down on top of a hape of pints the damage happens

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I had around 8 pints in The 51 last night. I’m mellowing with age as the 12 (twelve) pubs crowd don’t really irk me anymore. Even the lads with commemorative T-shirts which listed the scheduled pubs on the back. Even the lads who drank their pints in the bathroom (the rule for pub 5). Even the rock boys. Merry Christmas guys.


There’s a bang of “The fear” off that post


What are you even doing on TFK if you’ve become so tolerant? No place for that here
