13 Premiership 100 goalscorers

13 players have scored over 100 goals in the Premiership, can you name them?


I got 10 myself. Missed one obvious one Sheringham
missed another coz of spelling Hasslebaink
and would never have got Dublin if I was there all day long

spent ages typing in van nistleroy but the cunt isnt there.

Great list, can’t believe I didn’t get the second person on the list, proud that I got the 11th, would never have guessed the 1 you spelt wrong in a million years, also missed the 9th

Dion and Jimmy caught me.

Feckin __________ and __ _______ I missed

When I get around to having a crack at it, I’ll be confident enough of getting all 13 so long as people keep mentioning those they missed out on!

Don’t scroll down then

Aye, I’ve deleted my post to give others a chance, perhaps others should do likewise.

I missed out on 2

Jimmy Floyd and Dion big cock

I thought Gerrard had 100 goals

EDIT: This includes europe

12, missed Robbie Keane

fuck it got 12 as well only missed out on

jimmy floyd moneybaink

[quote=“The Puke”]fuck it got 12 as well only missed out on

jimmy floyd moneybaink

Missed No.13

A scorer of great goals, not a great goal scorer. 100 fcking goals, wouldn’t have thought he had that many.

In the dying seconds I was trying anyone I could think of Ruel Fox, Chris Sutton, Brian McClair…just lobbing them in. Got Le Tiss with about 5 seconds to go…

Had 11 after a minute, the last two took me another 3 minutes to guess.

Must have spelt Van Nistelrooy 23 different ways

Surprised with Van Nistl…y
Had it in my head that he was this goal scoring phenonomomom
Avg. 19/season at United in all competitions

Missed two.

Dublin and Sheringham

Missed 6 because cesc4 came into the room after a minute and interrupted my concentration by telling us about a car accident he was just in and my time ran out. inconsiderate coont.

What a prick. So what if the car was a write off. If all he has is a sore shoulder then I don’t want to know about it. The least you expect when you get a text from him about being in a bad crash is a broken leg and some stitches above the eye area. Dick.