16 years from beginning of NATO aggression against Serbia

Today is 16 years from beginning of NATO aggression against Serbia that happened March 24. 1999. Imperialist soldiers killed people 11 weeks, 78 day, official numbers are about 2500 dead people. They bombarded infrastructure like bridges, companies, TV, schools, hospitals, monuments, villages… Serbian government said that material damage was 100 billion dollars, economists from G17 said it was 30 billion dollars. Serbia was already in poverty because of economic embargo from 1992, war made people poor too. NATO stopped their crimes against civilians on June 10 after agreement made in Kumanovo (Macedonia). Agreement meant that Serbian military and police had to go out from Kosovo and NATO/KFOR should come there. 37000 NATO soldiers came to Kosovo from Macedonia, from 36 countries but mostly from Germany, Italy, France and the USA. Today there are still about 5000 soldiers.
The youngest victim of bombarding was Bojana Tošović[/URL], 11 months old baby, and [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/milica-rakic.jpg’]Rakić Milica[/URL], 3 years old, in the city of Novi Pazar died Marko Simić 2 years old. In Vladičin Han, bomb killed secondary school kids Milan Ignjatović and Gordana Nikolić. Beside them, NATO bombarded bridges when people where on the bridge, on Varvarin bridge died Sanja Milenković (15 years old) and they bombed also [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/train-nato-bombarding.jpg’]bridge when train was going over it[/URL]. Many times whole families died, children and parents. On May 7th 1999, NATO dropped a cluster bombs over the city of Niš, 13 people were killed, among them 26 year old pregnant girl, and 18 people were heavily wounded. When [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/rts1999.jpg’]NATO bombarded Radio Television of Serbia[/URL], 16 workers died. Noam Chomsky has compared the terrorist attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo to NATO’s 1999 airstrike on the Serbian broadcaster RTS. [URL=‘http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeleine_Albright#Allegations_of_hate_speech_against_Serbs’]Madeleine Albright[/URL] called victims “collateral damage”, after war, she makes business, she tried in Kosovo too. She was US state secretary in the time of Clinton who ordered bombarding too (together with Tony Blair and then commandeer of NATO for Europe Wesley Clark). Western media made also war propaganda against Serbs, [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/hebdo.jpg’]it was done also by Charli Hebdo from France.
Today Blair make business with help of corruption, he is using his political connections to secure contract for Saudis in Britain, Clark serves as the co-chairman of Growth Energy, an ethanol lobbying group and is on the board of directors of BNK Petroleum (! war for oil !). It was revealed that Madeleine investment firm, Albright Capital Management, was bidding in the proposed privatization of Kosovo’s state-owned telecom and postal company, Post and Telecom of Kosovo. In an article published by the New York-based magazine Bloomberg Businessweek, it was estimated that the deal could be as large as €600 million. The sale process has been clouded by corruption allegations, legal challenges, and the death of the state privatization agency’s chief, Dino Asanaj. In June, his body was found in his apartment in Kosovo’s capital city of Priština, with 11 stab wounds. Authorities say he committed suicide. Later she withdrawn her bid, but I didn’t investigate more where she invested money. In any case, war is business, she helped to Albanian leaders to trade heroin and weapons and to make independent Kosovo, later American politicians got privileges from Albanian politicians, there are others, not only Albright.
UNHCR reported that since KFOR came to Kosovo, 230 000 non-Albanians escaped from Kosovo, mostly Serbs and Gypsies and about 800 000 Albanians came back to Kosovo. In the same period, Albanians say that more than 500 people were killed and 200 kidnapped while Serbs say more than 1500 non-Albanians were kidnapped. From 2009 to 2013, UNHCR organized 2500 refugees to come back to Kosovo, and they said 200 000 people are still refugees, people from Kosovo living outside of Kosovo, they are mostly Serbs.

NATO made attacks from warships in Adriatic sea, from 4 airbases in Italy and some bombardiers came from the EU and the US. Italy and Germany made war against Serbia before 60 years and they did it again many years later, their colonial aims are not changed last 100 years. The same rich pigs that financed Mussolini and Hitler and helped them gain the power, are still billionaires and they still finance present political parties in those countries (therefore there is still fascism against immigrants in Europe, making them illegal, politicians produced slaves for riches).

I must remember readers that Europe and USA supported Albanians who used weapons to shoot Serbian police and military in Kosovo. If I do it in Copenhagen, they will say I am terrorist, but they helped to Albanians to do the same, to produce conflict in Kosovo and to misuse Albanians to dethrone Milošević. They could not expand profit for western capitalists into Serbia because Milošević opposed them, the same as leaders in Iran, Iraq, Libya. Even Milošević made privatization from socialism to capitalism, for me it is historical and criminal process, but he privatized everything for himself and his friends, not for western riches. He was typical example of former communist who became new capitalists, but such people wanted to keep everything in their hands, they bankrupted and bought many state owned companies, in that way they stole it from workers, but they represented it like “patriotic privatization”. For workers it was the same, workers created factories and infrastructure and then (foreign or domestic) thieves stole it from them. Workers just lost jobs through privatization which includes reorganization of company. Despite the fact Serbian politicians were thieves in that period, nobody can justify bombarding of Serbs to change government, imperialism find always some excuses about human rights, they don’t give a shit for Albanians, they just used anybody against Milošević. There is no justification for killing civilians in Serbia and other countries too. It is clear that West Europe developed conflict and misused Albanians against Milošević, without West Europe, nobody in Yugoslavia could separate country and nobody in Kosovo could finance and make fight for independence of Kosovo. Albanians were mostly financed by Americans, Croats were financed by Germany, Germany also sent them weapons. After destroying of communist Yugoslavia where they could not make profit, western riches wanted to destroy Serbia where they could not make profit because of Milošević. Just because Milošević was not good for western billionaires, they wanted to position government in Serbia that is good for them and therefore people died.

I didn’t support Milošević when I was young, I was protesting against him while toadies in west Europe kissed in ass government to get nice job, when I came to the West I saw they are the same as those who supported Milošević. Money money patriots. Now when I got experience with west Europe, I don’t support that Serbia become member of EU, now I am older and I can see that every war is business and Milošević spoke the truth about west Europe (they spy us, they hate us, they deport us, etc, it is the truth, racism is very developed in the West and they continue their colonial politics the same as before 100 years). Now I can say that Milošević was the thief, but one thief is much smaller criminal for society than those who use bombs to kill thousands of innocent people, even Al Capone is small baby comparing with western politicians. Imperialists are worse than any Milošević, they make business possibilities for riches who finance them. Therefore, millions of people die every year all over the world (after Serbia, they bombarded Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and they plan to do the same with Russia, Venezuela and Iran). Only western toadies who profit from government support wars, mostly they are working for secret service, I believe that only rebels in the west can protest against imperialism, against robbing other countries. Anti war groups are the most active and the best organized in Britain although in 2003, massive protests happened in all over Europe, against war in Iraq. There are many western people who are against NATO and against wars, but they are spied and arrested. Media reported on march 22/23, 2003, about 150,000 protesters in Barcelona (other sources say 1,000,000); more than 100,000 (other sources: up to 500,000) protesters in London; some 100,000 protesters in Paris; at least 150,000 protesters altogether in many German cities; between 35,000 and 90,000 in Lisbon; around 40,000 in Bern, the largest protest in Switzerland for decades; 10,000 to 20,000 in Greece, Denmark and Finland. 250,000 protesters demonstrated in New York City according to the German Spiegel Online magazine.

People should remember that poverty also bring many diseases and people die earlier, even just embargo against Serbia, Iran, Russia, is hostile behavior and people are dead because of embargo, if you don’t know, 750 000 people died in Iraq in the time of embargo, before war. Will Danes protest against such politics as they protested because of shooting and wounding 4-5 cops? 750 000 dead people is much more than 5 wounded cops. But Danes are under control like in dictatorship, even their communists sell themselves to secret service. Britain is more important for Russia and Iran, they should support anti war groups in Britain and all over Europe. Russian journalists can give them voice, to be heard internationally.
Western economic embargo was crime against Serbs. Milošević was really stupid that he didn’t organize Serbs in the west to make guerrilla actions against western economy (transport of products, cargo trains, harbors, media antennas, etc), he was idiot who believed he will negotiate and make deal with western politicians. Qaddafi made the same mistake. For Americans, war is business and why to make any deal? Private military industry is very strong in America, they need one more war. Besides, when they destroy bridges and other things, Serbia must borrow money from the west to build it again, after war. That’s how they in-debt some country, after making us poor with bombarding of our infrastructure. Workers and companies became cheaper due to destroyed economy and due to bombs, western riches can some and buy everything for small money. War is business and war open new business possibilities for western riches. Even worse, [B]western governments have today their government in Serbia[/B] that even cooperate with NATO and Tony Blair, it means they corrupted politicians in Serbia to buy weapons from America under excuse of “modernization of Serbian army”. Back to my life, I can say that Serbian politicians and Serbian BIA criminals in the west are the same pigs, they work for western politicians and secret service against our people. It is also visible on my example. It was totally different in the time of Tito, who cooperate with western intelligence against our citizens, he would be arrested as enemy.
NATO destroyed and damaged 25,000 residential buildings, 470 kilometers of roads and 600 kilometers of railways. NATO damaged and 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges, while 38 were destroyed. NATO carried out 2,300 air strikes on 995 facilities across the country, and 1,150 combat aircraft launched missiles close to 420,000, total mass of 22,000 tons. NATO has launched 1,300 cruise missiles, and delivered 37,000 cluster munition, this type of bombs killed 200 people and wounded hundreds. NATO used also a prohibited ammunition containing depleted uranium. NATO bombarding destroyed third of the country’s electricity capacity, they bombed two oil refineries in Pancevo and Novi Sad, and first time they used so-called graphite bombs, to disable the power system.



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It’s been 42 years since Limerick lifted the Liam McCarthy cup.

@obidijus - are you saying the Limerick public have’nt suffered as much??

[QUOTE=“obidijus, post: 1112269, member: 2924”]Today is 16 years from beginning of NATO aggression against Serbia that happened March 24. 1999. Imperialist soldiers killed people 11 weeks, 78 day, official numbers are about 2500 dead people. They bombarded infrastructure like bridges, companies, TV, schools, hospitals, monuments, villages… Serbian government said that material damage was 100 billion dollars, economists from G17 said it was 30 billion dollars. Serbia was already in poverty because of economic embargo from 1992, war made people poor too. NATO stopped their crimes against civilians on June 10 after agreement made in Kumanovo (Macedonia). Agreement meant that Serbian military and police had to go out from Kosovo and NATO/KFOR should come there. 37000 NATO soldiers came to Kosovo from Macedonia, from 36 countries but mostly from Germany, Italy, France and the USA. Today there are still about 5000 soldiers.
The youngest victim of bombarding was Bojana Tošović[/URL], 11 months old baby, and [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/milica-rakic.jpg’]Rakić Milica[/URL], 3 years old, in the city of Novi Pazar died Marko Simić 2 years old. In Vladičin Han, bomb killed secondary school kids Milan Ignjatović and Gordana Nikolić. Beside them, NATO bombarded bridges when people where on the bridge, on Varvarin bridge died Sanja Milenković (15 years old) and they bombed also [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/train-nato-bombarding.jpg’]bridge when train was going over it[/URL]. Many times whole families died, children and parents. On May 7th 1999, NATO dropped a cluster bombs over the city of Niš, 13 people were killed, among them 26 year old pregnant girl, and 18 people were heavily wounded. When [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/rts1999.jpg’]NATO bombarded Radio Television of Serbia[/URL], 16 workers died. Noam Chomsky has compared the terrorist attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo to NATO’s 1999 airstrike on the Serbian broadcaster RTS. [URL=‘http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeleine_Albright#Allegations_of_hate_speech_against_Serbs’]Madeleine Albright[/URL] called victims “collateral damage”, after war, she makes business, she tried in Kosovo too. She was US state secretary in the time of Clinton who ordered bombarding too (together with Tony Blair and then commandeer of NATO for Europe Wesley Clark). Western media made also war propaganda against Serbs, [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/hebdo.jpg’]it was done also by Charli Hebdo from France.
Today Blair make business with help of corruption, he is using his political connections to secure contract for Saudis in Britain, Clark serves as the co-chairman of Growth Energy, an ethanol lobbying group and is on the board of directors of BNK Petroleum (! war for oil !). It was revealed that Madeleine investment firm, Albright Capital Management, was bidding in the proposed privatization of Kosovo’s state-owned telecom and postal company, Post and Telecom of Kosovo. In an article published by the New York-based magazine Bloomberg Businessweek, it was estimated that the deal could be as large as €600 million. The sale process has been clouded by corruption allegations, legal challenges, and the death of the state privatization agency’s chief, Dino Asanaj. In June, his body was found in his apartment in Kosovo’s capital city of Priština, with 11 stab wounds. Authorities say he committed suicide. Later she withdrawn her bid, but I didn’t investigate more where she invested money. In any case, war is business, she helped to Albanian leaders to trade heroin and weapons and to make independent Kosovo, later American politicians got privileges from Albanian politicians, there are others, not only Albright.
UNHCR reported that since KFOR came to Kosovo, 230 000 non-Albanians escaped from Kosovo, mostly Serbs and Gypsies and about 800 000 Albanians came back to Kosovo. In the same period, Albanians say that more than 500 people were killed and 200 kidnapped while Serbs say more than 1500 non-Albanians were kidnapped. From 2009 to 2013, UNHCR organized 2500 refugees to come back to Kosovo, and they said 200 000 people are still refugees, people from Kosovo living outside of Kosovo, they are mostly Serbs.

NATO made attacks from warships in Adriatic sea, from 4 airbases in Italy and some bombardiers came from the EU and the US. Italy and Germany made war against Serbia before 60 years and they did it again many years later, their colonial aims are not changed last 100 years. The same rich pigs that financed Mussolini and Hitler and helped them gain the power, are still billionaires and they still finance present political parties in those countries (therefore there is still fascism against immigrants in Europe, making them illegal, politicians produced slaves for riches).

I must remember readers that Europe and USA supported Albanians who used weapons to shoot Serbian police and military in Kosovo. If I do it in Copenhagen, they will say I am terrorist, but they helped to Albanians to do the same, to produce conflict in Kosovo and to misuse Albanians to dethrone Milošević. They could not expand profit for western capitalists into Serbia because Milošević opposed them, the same as leaders in Iran, Iraq, Libya. Even Milošević made privatization from socialism to capitalism, for me it is historical and criminal process, but he privatized everything for himself and his friends, not for western riches. He was typical example of former communist who became new capitalists, but such people wanted to keep everything in their hands, they bankrupted and bought many state owned companies, in that way they stole it from workers, but they represented it like “patriotic privatization”. For workers it was the same, workers created factories and infrastructure and then (foreign or domestic) thieves stole it from them. Workers just lost jobs through privatization which includes reorganization of company. Despite the fact Serbian politicians were thieves in that period, nobody can justify bombarding of Serbs to change government, imperialism find always some excuses about human rights, they don’t give a shit for Albanians, they just used anybody against Milošević. There is no justification for killing civilians in Serbia and other countries too. It is clear that West Europe developed conflict and misused Albanians against Milošević, without West Europe, nobody in Yugoslavia could separate country and nobody in Kosovo could finance and make fight for independence of Kosovo. Albanians were mostly financed by Americans, Croats were financed by Germany, Germany also sent them weapons. After destroying of communist Yugoslavia where they could not make profit, western riches wanted to destroy Serbia where they could not make profit because of Milošević. Just because Milošević was not good for western billionaires, they wanted to position government in Serbia that is good for them and therefore people died.

I didn’t support Milošević when I was young, I was protesting against him while toadies in west Europe kissed in ass government to get nice job, when I came to the West I saw they are the same as those who supported Milošević. Money money patriots. Now when I got experience with west Europe, I don’t support that Serbia become member of EU, now I am older and I can see that every war is business and Milošević spoke the truth about west Europe (they spy us, they hate us, they deport us, etc, it is the truth, racism is very developed in the West and they continue their colonial politics the same as before 100 years). Now I can say that Milošević was the thief, but one thief is much smaller criminal for society than those who use bombs to kill thousands of innocent people, even Al Capone is small baby comparing with western politicians. Imperialists are worse than any Milošević, they make business possibilities for riches who finance them. Therefore, millions of people die every year all over the world (after Serbia, they bombarded Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and they plan to do the same with Russia, Venezuela and Iran). Only western toadies who profit from government support wars, mostly they are working for secret service, I believe that only rebels in the west can protest against imperialism, against robbing other countries. Anti war groups are the most active and the best organized in Britain although in 2003, massive protests happened in all over Europe, against war in Iraq. There are many western people who are against NATO and against wars, but they are spied and arrested. Media reported on march 22/23, 2003, about 150,000 protesters in Barcelona (other sources say 1,000,000); more than 100,000 (other sources: up to 500,000) protesters in London; some 100,000 protesters in Paris; at least 150,000 protesters altogether in many German cities; between 35,000 and 90,000 in Lisbon; around 40,000 in Bern, the largest protest in Switzerland for decades; 10,000 to 20,000 in Greece, Denmark and Finland. 250,000 protesters demonstrated in New York City according to the German Spiegel Online magazine.

People should remember that poverty also bring many diseases and people die earlier, even just embargo against Serbia, Iran, Russia, is hostile behavior and people are dead because of embargo, if you don’t know, 750 000 people died in Iraq in the time of embargo, before war. Will Danes protest against such politics as they protested because of shooting and wounding 4-5 cops? 750 000 dead people is much more than 5 wounded cops. But Danes are under control like in dictatorship, even their communists sell themselves to secret service. Britain is more important for Russia and Iran, they should support anti war groups in Britain and all over Europe. Russian journalists can give them voice, to be heard internationally.
Western economic embargo was crime against Serbs. Milošević was really stupid that he didn’t organize Serbs in the west to make guerrilla actions against western economy (transport of products, cargo trains, harbors, media antennas, etc), he was idiot who believed he will negotiate and make deal with western politicians. Qaddafi made the same mistake. For Americans, war is business and why to make any deal? Private military industry is very strong in America, they need one more war. Besides, when they destroy bridges and other things, Serbia must borrow money from the west to build it again, after war. That’s how they in-debt some country, after making us poor with bombarding of our infrastructure. Workers and companies became cheaper due to destroyed economy and due to bombs, western riches can some and buy everything for small money. War is business and war open new business possibilities for western riches. Even worse, [B]western governments have today their government in Serbia[/B] that even cooperate with NATO and Tony Blair, it means they corrupted politicians in Serbia to buy weapons from America under excuse of “modernization of Serbian army”. Back to my life, I can say that Serbian politicians and Serbian BIA criminals in the west are the same pigs, they work for western politicians and secret service against our people. It is also visible on my example. It was totally different in the time of Tito, who cooperate with western intelligence against our citizens, he would be arrested as enemy.
NATO destroyed and damaged 25,000 residential buildings, 470 kilometers of roads and 600 kilometers of railways. NATO damaged and 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges, while 38 were destroyed. NATO carried out 2,300 air strikes on 995 facilities across the country, and 1,150 combat aircraft launched missiles close to 420,000, total mass of 22,000 tons. NATO has launched 1,300 cruise missiles, and delivered 37,000 cluster munition, this type of bombs killed 200 people and wounded hundreds. NATO used also a prohibited ammunition containing depleted uranium. NATO bombarding destroyed third of the country’s electricity capacity, they bombed two oil refineries in Pancevo and Novi Sad, and first time they used so-called graphite bombs, to disable the power system.


Fuck off back to Russia, mate.

Liverpool haven’t won the league in 25 years.

@glasagusban hasn’t had a ‘real’ ride is 5 years.

Haters whitout soul…didnt bother to read at all…:mad:

its bullet points or nothing around here pal…

Bomb points would be more apt.


I was on a Class A excursion at the Exit festival in Novi Sad around a decade ago. Found the locals to be warm and accommodating, with the females possessing a cheekbone structure the envy of the world over.

Very bitter bastards though. Wouldn’t let it go. Had the ear burned off me several times about NATO. One guy had a handgun and said he was “going to kill englishman”, i have no doubt that he did.

I broke up with mine on Friday for the final time.

We got back together today.

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 1112326, member: 129”]I broke up with mine on Friday for the final time.

We got back together today.[/QUOTE]
Saved yourself 10 euro/month there pal :clap:

Shouldn’t this be posted in the “On this day” thread - http://www.thefreekick.com/board/index.php?threads/on-this-day.13360/page-40


It would make one wonder what exactly constitutes a “real” ride for @Bean.

How do you ride a Bean?

[QUOTE=“obidijus, post: 1112269, member: 2924”]Today is 16 years from beginning of NATO aggression against Serbia that happened March 24. 1999. Imperialist soldiers killed people 11 weeks, 78 day, official numbers are about 2500 dead people. They bombarded infrastructure like bridges, companies, TV, schools, hospitals, monuments, villages… Serbian government said that material damage was 100 billion dollars, economists from G17 said it was 30 billion dollars. Serbia was already in poverty because of economic embargo from 1992, war made people poor too. NATO stopped their crimes against civilians on June 10 after agreement made in Kumanovo (Macedonia). Agreement meant that Serbian military and police had to go out from Kosovo and NATO/KFOR should come there. 37000 NATO soldiers came to Kosovo from Macedonia, from 36 countries but mostly from Germany, Italy, France and the USA. Today there are still about 5000 soldiers.
The youngest victim of bombarding was Bojana Tošović[/URL], 11 months old baby, and [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/milica-rakic.jpg’]Rakić Milica[/URL], 3 years old, in the city of Novi Pazar died Marko Simić 2 years old. In Vladičin Han, bomb killed secondary school kids Milan Ignjatović and Gordana Nikolić. Beside them, NATO bombarded bridges when people where on the bridge, on Varvarin bridge died Sanja Milenković (15 years old) and they bombed also [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/train-nato-bombarding.jpg’]bridge when train was going over it[/URL]. Many times whole families died, children and parents. On May 7th 1999, NATO dropped a cluster bombs over the city of Niš, 13 people were killed, among them 26 year old pregnant girl, and 18 people were heavily wounded. When [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/rts1999.jpg’]NATO bombarded Radio Television of Serbia[/URL], 16 workers died. Noam Chomsky has compared the terrorist attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo to NATO’s 1999 airstrike on the Serbian broadcaster RTS. [URL=‘http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeleine_Albright#Allegations_of_hate_speech_against_Serbs’]Madeleine Albright[/URL] called victims “collateral damage”, after war, she makes business, she tried in Kosovo too. She was US state secretary in the time of Clinton who ordered bombarding too (together with Tony Blair and then commandeer of NATO for Europe Wesley Clark). Western media made also war propaganda against Serbs, [URL=‘http://blog.predicsasa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/hebdo.jpg’]it was done also by Charli Hebdo from France.
Today Blair make business with help of corruption, he is using his political connections to secure contract for Saudis in Britain, Clark serves as the co-chairman of Growth Energy, an ethanol lobbying group and is on the board of directors of BNK Petroleum (! war for oil !). It was revealed that Madeleine investment firm, Albright Capital Management, was bidding in the proposed privatization of Kosovo’s state-owned telecom and postal company, Post and Telecom of Kosovo. In an article published by the New York-based magazine Bloomberg Businessweek, it was estimated that the deal could be as large as €600 million. The sale process has been clouded by corruption allegations, legal challenges, and the death of the state privatization agency’s chief, Dino Asanaj. In June, his body was found in his apartment in Kosovo’s capital city of Priština, with 11 stab wounds. Authorities say he committed suicide. Later she withdrawn her bid, but I didn’t investigate more where she invested money. In any case, war is business, she helped to Albanian leaders to trade heroin and weapons and to make independent Kosovo, later American politicians got privileges from Albanian politicians, there are others, not only Albright.
UNHCR reported that since KFOR came to Kosovo, 230 000 non-Albanians escaped from Kosovo, mostly Serbs and Gypsies and about 800 000 Albanians came back to Kosovo. In the same period, Albanians say that more than 500 people were killed and 200 kidnapped while Serbs say more than 1500 non-Albanians were kidnapped. From 2009 to 2013, UNHCR organized 2500 refugees to come back to Kosovo, and they said 200 000 people are still refugees, people from Kosovo living outside of Kosovo, they are mostly Serbs.

NATO made attacks from warships in Adriatic sea, from 4 airbases in Italy and some bombardiers came from the EU and the US. Italy and Germany made war against Serbia before 60 years and they did it again many years later, their colonial aims are not changed last 100 years. The same rich pigs that financed Mussolini and Hitler and helped them gain the power, are still billionaires and they still finance present political parties in those countries (therefore there is still fascism against immigrants in Europe, making them illegal, politicians produced slaves for riches).

I must remember readers that Europe and USA supported Albanians who used weapons to shoot Serbian police and military in Kosovo. If I do it in Copenhagen, they will say I am terrorist, but they helped to Albanians to do the same, to produce conflict in Kosovo and to misuse Albanians to dethrone Milošević. They could not expand profit for western capitalists into Serbia because Milošević opposed them, the same as leaders in Iran, Iraq, Libya. Even Milošević made privatization from socialism to capitalism, for me it is historical and criminal process, but he privatized everything for himself and his friends, not for western riches. He was typical example of former communist who became new capitalists, but such people wanted to keep everything in their hands, they bankrupted and bought many state owned companies, in that way they stole it from workers, but they represented it like “patriotic privatization”. For workers it was the same, workers created factories and infrastructure and then (foreign or domestic) thieves stole it from them. Workers just lost jobs through privatization which includes reorganization of company. Despite the fact Serbian politicians were thieves in that period, nobody can justify bombarding of Serbs to change government, imperialism find always some excuses about human rights, they don’t give a shit for Albanians, they just used anybody against Milošević. There is no justification for killing civilians in Serbia and other countries too. It is clear that West Europe developed conflict and misused Albanians against Milošević, without West Europe, nobody in Yugoslavia could separate country and nobody in Kosovo could finance and make fight for independence of Kosovo. Albanians were mostly financed by Americans, Croats were financed by Germany, Germany also sent them weapons. After destroying of communist Yugoslavia where they could not make profit, western riches wanted to destroy Serbia where they could not make profit because of Milošević. Just because Milošević was not good for western billionaires, they wanted to position government in Serbia that is good for them and therefore people died.

I didn’t support Milošević when I was young, I was protesting against him while toadies in west Europe kissed in ass government to get nice job, when I came to the West I saw they are the same as those who supported Milošević. Money money patriots. Now when I got experience with west Europe, I don’t support that Serbia become member of EU, now I am older and I can see that every war is business and Milošević spoke the truth about west Europe (they spy us, they hate us, they deport us, etc, it is the truth, racism is very developed in the West and they continue their colonial politics the same as before 100 years). Now I can say that Milošević was the thief, but one thief is much smaller criminal for society than those who use bombs to kill thousands of innocent people, even Al Capone is small baby comparing with western politicians. Imperialists are worse than any Milošević, they make business possibilities for riches who finance them. Therefore, millions of people die every year all over the world (after Serbia, they bombarded Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and they plan to do the same with Russia, Venezuela and Iran). Only western toadies who profit from government support wars, mostly they are working for secret service, I believe that only rebels in the west can protest against imperialism, against robbing other countries. Anti war groups are the most active and the best organized in Britain although in 2003, massive protests happened in all over Europe, against war in Iraq. There are many western people who are against NATO and against wars, but they are spied and arrested. Media reported on march 22/23, 2003, about 150,000 protesters in Barcelona (other sources say 1,000,000); more than 100,000 (other sources: up to 500,000) protesters in London; some 100,000 protesters in Paris; at least 150,000 protesters altogether in many German cities; between 35,000 and 90,000 in Lisbon; around 40,000 in Bern, the largest protest in Switzerland for decades; 10,000 to 20,000 in Greece, Denmark and Finland. 250,000 protesters demonstrated in New York City according to the German Spiegel Online magazine.

People should remember that poverty also bring many diseases and people die earlier, even just embargo against Serbia, Iran, Russia, is hostile behavior and people are dead because of embargo, if you don’t know, 750 000 people died in Iraq in the time of embargo, before war. Will Danes protest against such politics as they protested because of shooting and wounding 4-5 cops? 750 000 dead people is much more than 5 wounded cops. But Danes are under control like in dictatorship, even their communists sell themselves to secret service. Britain is more important for Russia and Iran, they should support anti war groups in Britain and all over Europe. Russian journalists can give them voice, to be heard internationally.
Western economic embargo was crime against Serbs. Milošević was really stupid that he didn’t organize Serbs in the west to make guerrilla actions against western economy (transport of products, cargo trains, harbors, media antennas, etc), he was idiot who believed he will negotiate and make deal with western politicians. Qaddafi made the same mistake. For Americans, war is business and why to make any deal? Private military industry is very strong in America, they need one more war. Besides, when they destroy bridges and other things, Serbia must borrow money from the west to build it again, after war. That’s how they in-debt some country, after making us poor with bombarding of our infrastructure. Workers and companies became cheaper due to destroyed economy and due to bombs, western riches can some and buy everything for small money. War is business and war open new business possibilities for western riches. Even worse, [B]western governments have today their government in Serbia[/B] that even cooperate with NATO and Tony Blair, it means they corrupted politicians in Serbia to buy weapons from America under excuse of “modernization of Serbian army”. Back to my life, I can say that Serbian politicians and Serbian BIA criminals in the west are the same pigs, they work for western politicians and secret service against our people. It is also visible on my example. It was totally different in the time of Tito, who cooperate with western intelligence against our citizens, he would be arrested as enemy.
NATO destroyed and damaged 25,000 residential buildings, 470 kilometers of roads and 600 kilometers of railways. NATO damaged and 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges, while 38 were destroyed. NATO carried out 2,300 air strikes on 995 facilities across the country, and 1,150 combat aircraft launched missiles close to 420,000, total mass of 22,000 tons. NATO has launched 1,300 cruise missiles, and delivered 37,000 cluster munition, this type of bombs killed 200 people and wounded hundreds. NATO used also a prohibited ammunition containing depleted uranium. NATO bombarding destroyed third of the country’s electricity capacity, they bombed two oil refineries in Pancevo and Novi Sad, and first time they used so-called graphite bombs, to disable the power system.



Is this supposed to be Pro or Anti Serbia?

Does it keep you awake at night?

Ill have to get back to you on that.