2 free premium tickets for Barcelona-Celtic tomorrow

Online friends, does anyone want the tickets for tomorrow evening’s game? Kick-off is at 6pm but I’ve to head down to Wexford in the early afternoon and have two East Stand premium tickets spare. Pre-season fare but might be a pleasant evening with the option of popping in and out for a few drinks. A chance to see the best club in the world and Barcelona on our doorstep. Let me know if it interests you, pals.

Yes please

Yes. I’ll take for @Finbar


Sticky situation

A bag of personal and their yours

I’ve got my ticket anyway.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy was first in. Sorry @anon98850436 - your missus introducing herself to me the other week even though we met before also counts against you.

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After consultation with EG its better if Finbar takes them bro.thanks

A friend of yours and a brother of @anon98850436 is a friend of mine so delighted to give tickets to @Finbar. I’m off to do a 5 (five) km run now but I’ll PM you later on EG.


Good man @Bandage

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy enjoy the pints with @myboyblue




The charitable spirit of the TFK still alive and well.



This event is cutting edge :soccer:. Soccer ball nirvana .

Fair play Bandage, discreet and humble as ever. Super tickets. Left a couple of pints behind the bar for you!