2010 COTY Log Thread

As above, if you see a cunt, log them here!

The Stokes Brothers.

wahey, you finally found the new site locke :smiley:

Isnt there already a log thread somewhere, think some newbie set ip up.

If IOM is to be shelved is there merit in “Cunt of the Munt”

to end in a Grand Final of magnificunt proportions to include a couple of wild cards

T’would definately spare Sid the headache of maintaining entrants over a 24hr 365 day qualification period.

Oh Yeah

The Bang Twins January’s Cunt of the Mont title holders

Any objections?

Tommie Gorman
“On this historic morning for Northern Ireland and its people…”


Heem, I still think Charlie Bird might be a stonger cuntidate in the long term

Enda Kenny you utter cunt. what a totally despicable lump of excrement.

Fionan Sheehan.

A wormy kind of a cunt.

Noel Edmonds, I hate him and evryone who plays his stupid game

In that case this utter ballbag deserves a place as well


I’d better nominate George Lee in case I’m still angry about all this in twelve months time. Hopefully I’ll have forgotten the cunt even existed at that stage as he’ll have been doing fuck all but making the tea in Montrose for a year at that stage.

I’ll throw in that gobshite from Wexford - Noel Whelan.

Leo Varadkar, if this cunt is a future minister, i’d prefer dilly o wee

I’m going to nominate Richard Bruton. Time will prove me right.

Gerry Ryan.

hear, hear

I always thought he was a Biffo.

Anyway, Michael Soden.

Tom Parlon