2016 Allianz National Football League

Shocking miss from Bradley.

Soupy nails a 45. Down to a point.

Referee riding Donegal here




Marquee names gone.

Marquee names…

Johnny Cooper acting like a tramp again.

Balls that roll into your hands is not picking the ball up off the ground. I really wish referees would realise this.

Nice to see that picked up on. Cooper gets a yellow. A horrible nasty prick. Worse than Philly I would suggest because Philly doesn’t try hide his cuntishness.

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Gaago picked the right weekend to jump the shark ffs sake

Uh oh…


James McCarthy dangerously reckless there.

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McCurry scores a free, first time he has popped up in this second half.

Are de duds winning?

What the fuck was Fenton playing at there? Should have passed it inside for the goal.

Costello continuing to mix the sublime with the ludicrous

Sensible decision. The only thing wrong with it was that he should have handpassed it over the bar, which would have added presence of mind to the score.

Conall McCann modelling a bun haircut - should go down well.

What did cooper do exactly?

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